The only way you will give off the "slut" aura you are talking about is if you actively pursue men (though this could just be through heavy eye contact, s suggestive smile, etc.). It's drafted, along with a number of others. In the end, it all boils down to insecurity again. Learn to be more approachable and guys will come to you. I agree though, at least personally, confidence and masculinity in a man is crucial. I'm sure you could articulate it better than me :), I (a woman) also never initiate contact- fear of sending wrong signals, etc. From my experience women are naturals when it comes to putting up the hurdles (because they are taught that they are the prize) but when they themselves are confronted with a few hurdles to leap from their prospective MAN they usually say WTF--"That`s not the kind of man I am looking for" In effect they are unwilling and unable to pass the very tests that they put the men up to. Theres a new theory in the relationship world thats causing quite a stir its called the hero instinct. Perhaps a movie with some friends? If a guy is not physically attractive, a little short, but with a good job, rich, a wide social circle and is very charismatic, shouldn't that make him 'closer' to me on the 10 rate-scale? He did not say yet he likes me. Sometimes it seems even rich men very much notice the difference between us in terms of looks, whereas I would think "isn't his options with women good anyway?". Because men want more casual sex, and play below their league, women need to gague their interest, and making them take the first move is the best way of doing this. Knowing my name, he found out where I live from friends. Is it serious reason to worry?It is a complete mystery to me. Im not hating on insecurely attached people, because I used to be one of them and I know theres lots of people who share this attachment style out there. Putting hurdles in front of men to prove their interest sounds like something every self respecting, quality Woman should do to make sure she is attracting quality men! And if yes, how would you suggest I do so? About a week later, he called and we've been talking ever since. If youre not the mans one and only, then youve never actually emotionally connected with him, and youre really just one of many. Brainplus IQ And also since issues include the For more ==== >>>>>> investments of games, avid gamers become strategic masters. In fact, what they need has nothing to do with sex. I was dating a man I met on a dating site for about 5 weeks and he left me by text. Is it then okay for me to text him once tomorrow or the day after and say when I'm free and so on? I completely agree with the 'don't play below your league thing,' since I have learned the hard way that relationships like this with a guy too different from yourself does not work out.I use to have a really romanticised view of dating guys (where looks and social status are irrelevant in terms of your feelings for each other) Though there was this guy that I liked whom is not considered good looking by others, while I was considered attractive by people around me.Though I was initially attracted to his personality, confidence, height (qualities of men which you deemed attractive to women which was true for me). I used to have a few male friends, and we only became friends because I started talking to them. Hi the rules revisited,I work as a dating coach at social excellence ( for a couple of years. I agree with a lot of things in this article, and I'm all for men learning to take the initiative, but if this is advice for WOMEN, I think there are a couple of other things that should be made claer.First of all, who benefits from women following this advice? "How could you look at a girl in a bar and envision dating her when you haven't even spoken to her? Or is it important to go out with men whom are physically attractive? Anyway, I think if a guy is after you for sex sometimes he doesn't care, and will keep trying because he cares so little he doesn't care if he gets rejected. but don't be a slut about it. Ever frighten the thought of seeing those double chins, flabby arms, muggy thighs and plump tummies? He'll start getting the idea that you may like him without you actually asking him out. And its something most women have never even heard of. I'm in a fitness class where I talk to all the girls and the boys keep to themselves. This is only what the writer likes. The easiest thing to do is to watch this simple and genuine video by James Bauer. I have a skewed sense of my own attractiveness so I know that guys say im hot all the time but I can't really judge that for myself. And body type doesn't play such a major role as you get older. I have a guy friend who gives me mixed signals. Well not in the case of a diet supplement with little or no fat are advised not to try it. Perhaps he really likes you, but he doesnt want to show you that, yet, so thats why he just replies and never initiates contact. So, dont be passive. You apparently shouldnt chase a man. I'd rather talk in person or on the phone and use text to get straight to the point of setting up plans. Don't do this with people you don't know that well, but if you're closer friends it's an option. What does 'exciting/attractive unpredictable' look/sound like?Cassandra. Just use some common sense, and let the guy know what you want and set your boundaries. I'm looking forward to the "shy guys" post as well! How do you know if you're not approachable? Never initiating will get you poor results, Do not Chase him. In those cases, a guy might actually refrain from contacting you first because hes afraid of scaring you off. I've been in situations where I found out months after meeting men that didn't make much effort to initiate (and neither did I) that they were harbouring fierce crushes. I have female friends who move from boyfriend to boyfriend and consistently go out with guy who are beneath them (who also behave badly), and if that is the alternative, I'd rather not.Do you think guys are more passive in classroom situations? I would appreciate it if you would stop calling/texting me, but if you do, I won't be answering any more. I would ask my best guy friends but no offense to themI am fairly sure that I am at least out of their league so I don't think they will be a good judge necessarily.Also can you comment on like how fit is too fit Because I love working out and I have always been an athlete and I do it because I want to like the way I look and I hate when guys like think girls with abs are scary. (All the answers you seek about him lie within these 8 questions.). He's keeping you around so he can see what he can get from you at a later stage. Of course, its also extremely important to give yourself the permission to learn and have your own journey. You may be wondering what this actually means. I do not feel weird initiating interest at all. Now this one might come as a bit of a surprise but hear me out! The hurdle is her appearance and her personality, which isn't something she can "overcome" in the same way that a man would overcome a woman's resistance to prove his interest. In my own experience it is usually a red flag but in some cases it doesn't mean much. I also appreciate the timing of this post. Maybe you are far from his type. Its your job to initiate and weed out the men who arent worth your energy. Generally, girls that work out a lot lose their curves, aka smaller breasts/butt. Masculine energy wants to initiate contact, hunt, get, acquire, seduce. "In my experience these two things aren't necessarily (or even frequently) distinct. Is he just being curious or is he fishing? Thanks for the heads up. I know he already thinks of me as a bit oversensitive. most of the women today want to date so many men at one time, and just can't commit themselves to only one. From a woman's perspective, though these events or approaches will be less a direct result of her initiative, she still has a large amount of control over how attractive she is, her figure, body language, personality, etc. They will give you an idea of how you can initiate safely with men, without looking desperate. Here are 5 Unusual Signs He Is Madly In Love with You! He wanted my number and has been texting me a lot. If not, then you have to back of and accept that he isn't interested. "How long would you wait for something you've been told all your life does not exist? If a woman needs a man to get a child, she needs a sperm donor, nothing else. but I have dated girls who are very shy or are kind of new to dating or never had a real boyfriend and sometimes these girls are just really shy and need you to kinda push everything on them. "Although soft spoken, polite, attentive is always preferred, I suppose I don't want to deal with a "shy" person who needs me to validate his "attractiveness. However, would very securely attached people need dating advice that is aimed at keeping them passive? And then there's running the risk of looking like a bitch for trying to nab my friend's could-be man. )Sorry for so many questions. Shielded me from everythingasked for my number and wanted to take me to dinner. Do you think any truly feminine woman would never initiate? While the Venn diagram's nice, it's grossly oversimplified. I usually give people three strikes. I said no worries your the better man and hugged him! Thanks for reply.I read your post on 'rejection' and think it is wise. Dont give me the argument about men being programmed to love the chase, because if thats where the true value of women really lies, then no man would emotionally commit long-term! Some of them have girlfriends they have had since 18 and have had no reason to break up. ), cause he said "do I know you?. did nt even know he was going to join. anyways that nite was fun we had drinks chat etc. (Oh he lives in another city and comes often,not to mention he is two years younger than I am). But now I feel that I am detaching. But it could also be a message on a dating website, or asking for a phone number after you are introduced by friends. Unless youve already tried initiating and you got clear signals back from him indicating hes not interested. Chasing a man means youre trying to extract value and youre not at all attuned to him. (Assuming - incorrectly - that the more emotional woman is easier to manipulate.) social phobia and is afraid of rejection. "Is it possible - seen in the light of that - that he has taken me being 'busy' as a rejection? It just started becoming second nature. I suppose that is a preference for some, but do you think it is the case for most guys? Women should text after dates. By the way, while youre at it, connect with me on social media. What do you think? I do this regularly and stop talking to women that don't initiation any conversation with me. Is total 7 days of no response reasonable to wait before I call and try and find out what the hell happened? Living in a metropolitan area means that I'm running at least weekly into girls who I find attractive and pleasant enough to consider as a romantic prospect. I love when a girl comes after me, then I know she's interested cuz too many girls wanna play games and lie. I've been wondering if I should text him today or not as the weekend is coming up soon. This is a fact when it comes to understanding men. One time I actually texted a guy to meet up as he was the only one I knew in a city I was visiting. What kinds of people? We go out and eat one on one. A guy I used to date sometimes pointed out that "it seems I am the only one making an effort for us to get together". Some men might have strict criteria for what they want from a woman (religion, traditional or progressive values, the desire for a certain number of children or wealth, etc.) If he in fact likes you, this speaks volumes about his character. They cant stand the thought of taking any risk, because they dont want to be exposed to the pain of rejection.But Im sure thats not really you deep down inside, is it?Heres an article on how to make him chase you. I also agree that women can't be expected to approach indiscriminately. The logic behind it is that pursuit is a masculine action - and by you doing the pursuing, you are taking the masculine role, forcing him into the feminine position which makes men feel uncomfortable. So, I leave it up to hear to continue the conversation. I think you should tell him "I need to move on and I can't do that when we are constantly communicating. But did not and would not initiate the conversation themselves. Thanks. I wonder if things would have ended differently had he initiated interest or maybe he genuinely did not like me that much (whether or not I initiated interest). We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Then, after 6 wks or so of this, we went to "lunch" (neither of us called it a "date") and after the date, I made a giant faux-pas; I asked if he could ever see me as more than a friend and that I was only asking so I'd know to "get off this train" if I needed to. The truth is, once you understand how the hero instinct works, theres no telling what heights your relationship can reach. Would be interested in your thoughts on it. From the moment I got in touch, I was given genuine, helpful advice, and was finally able to see my relationship issues with real clarity. How I feel and who they are. What do you do in this instance?Ive been told by a few guy friends that a certain guys actions show he's 'playing it cool' or 'playing hard to get' how do you show you like them but are not interested in the 'chase me' game? Then, the guys that are going to do that are the nice guys and good guys. Wow. When my laptop went down, I accessed fb on my cell and sent him my phone number. What are your thoughts on a girl texting after a first date, the next morning, to say "thank you for dinner last night, I had a nice time"? He has done something similar before when he was upset with me, so I know he's the type for it.I suppose I have no other option than to keep wait for his reply and take it from there? Of course, this doesnt mean that hes not into you it could also be that hes really into you and is afraid of scaring you off by contacting you before you initiate contact with him. When you tell him that you like him but that you want him to initiate contact, he will most likely follow through! Maybe it's worth adding something more on this issue - how men agree to a date if it's easy for them, even if they're not genuinely into the girl. This is kind of nice though because with women throwing themselves at men nowadays, if that were enough to allure men into wanting to commit to them then it would be even harder for women to find a guy who will commit. I remember reading an article in a newspaper, one of those where you ask a psychologist about your situation. And if he is encourage him to try more with you. Guys feel the same, but we have to man up and do it anyway because that's what we're supposed to do as guys. I understand the fear involved with risk. "For the most part, yes. At most, it is a reliable source of advice for women who want to improve their chances with the opposite sex. Those kinds of guys are the same ones that, if a woman they're conversing with does nothing to initiation any conversation will eventually stop talking to her and take her lack of any initiation as a sign of rejection. Show her you're interested and call her every now and then. Take Civilization for instance, a game title where you have to manage your people. Whish it were not so convoluted. If your man is pushing you away and acting distantOr if the guy youre after isnt giving you the time of dayThen its time to pull out all the stops.Because 99% of the time, there is only 1 thing you can say to a standoffish guy that will grab him by the heartstrings-And get his blood pumping at just the thought of you.Insert subject line here and link it to: Your ex wont be able to resist?Once you say this to him, or even send this simple phrase in a text messageIt will flip his world upside down and you will suddenly find him chasing you-And even begging to be with you.Heres what Im talking about:Insert subject line here and link it to: Is your man hiding something? He said we'd talk about it, but we haven't and I haven't brought it up again. I mean i have dated a guy with a six pack that didn't hold a candle stick to a fit and more intellectually stimulating guy. Tell me about it.Actually, as you might have noticed, I think this guy is really good with women in general. Initiate = cause a process or action to begin, Chase = pursue in order to catch or catch up with. I actually disagree on this one. Each gender has its own 'rules of engagement' that they, like it or not, will espouse in their interactions with the opposite sex. I'm so glad I have a gf I love more than anything and that loves me too. I am a Spanish girl in my late twenties, I lived in the US and in Spain and I never had any issues about waiting for guys to initiate contact with me. Or telling him I've had enough and asking him to leave me alone? We ended up having sex which was rockingokay imagine this he is 55 and could go twice, ever heard of that, cause that is how turned on he was for me, he told me this. He still contacts me often, and sometimes 'just to chat'.He's asked to see me a few times now - I've held it off as I'm traveling and have exams. If youre extremely pretty or intelligent for example, this could scare him a little and make him hesitant of contacting you first. If he acts normal when he DOES get back to me, what do you suggest my response should be?A lot of these things are 'smaller issues' in a guy's mind and if you react to them, you become a naggy girl. Another reason why guys dont initiate contact but always respond is that they dont want their crush to get bored with them and lose interest! I'm afraid the guy I'm dating now is thinking the same thing. It takes a lot for a man to approach a woman, so this means she'll be very approachable in her body language, manners, clothing etc.Personally, I get attention from men in daily life, but I rarely have the grocery shop man ask for my phone number, even if he is flirtatious. Yes, I think you are right. Do NOT chase him. After being lost in my thoughts for so long, they gave me a unique insight into the dynamics of my relationship and how to get it back on track. 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