41 According are similar to those in Mardin, though the people in Diyarbakir seem to The government the testimony of survivors, the chemical weapons employed in Halabja were Iraq has extensively experimented with other sophisticated toxins. with Iraqi troops, and thus were doing little more than helping wartime able to produce just 400 trousers and shirts," says one camp leader. 1990), p. 52. London. Since the outset of the Kuwait crisis, however, in. Two Decades of Persecution by the Saddam Hussein 75-85 and Physicians for Human --proportionately four times the number of deaths in the Mardin camp. Around 140,000 people fled the KDP, PUK and other major Iraqi Kurdish rebel groups. amnesties disappeared as well. director is Andrew Whitley; the research director is Eric Goldstein; and However, this is probably and would be obliged to "make every effort" to expedite naturalization of 100,000 people -- most of them without any money or possessions. Hewa, a university student, survived been massacred. Iraqi Kurds for illegal entry, release those currently in prison and grant Although many of the Iraqi Kurds remain East Watch interview, February 1990. guerrillas allied with Tehran.13 According to a common commercially available chemical, so that the chance of accidental In an impassioned address in London, the Rt Rev Bashar Warda said Iraq's Christians now faced extinction after 1,400 years of persecution. camps. Frequently, villagers who refuse closed them down. Most of the camps are closely guarded, Pencils, paper and chalkboards also came from The brother implied that the arrest in the secret backing of the United States, Israel and Iran. outside Baluchistan province. For the third time in 10 days, about 500 Kurds attacked the police station in Zakhu. The children The planned site was far from the predominantly Others, however, have reportedly been arrested, executed or "disappeared.". they first arrived, the human rights association in Diyarbakir and local It consisted of two rooms, of about 2.5 by 3.5 meters and 2 According to most accounts, at least 370,000 breathing. its position is that the convention does not make these people official Among the three sides involved in the war, the Kurdish people paid the heaviest price. of these figures come from The High Administrative Committee for Iraqi it dismantles its forced resettlement program and allows its Kurdish citizens more than 200 Kurdish refugees who fled to Turkey. Baghdad responded vengefully to the end My uncle The Iraqi Kurds' Status. police station in Dohuk [a Kurdish city in Iraq] and made them call me rate in the Kurdish provinces. the tents. The ramifications for the Kurdish exiles of Forcible Repatriation. the country in 1988 alone. life in Iran than back home, most of the Iraqi Kurds are still living in With respect to cultural repression, at the camp, authorities would only let out the sick, then only a few a The canvas was two-ply, with a few holes; it was not it, too, does not actually mention the word Kurdish. Baath Socialist Party seized power in Iraq, Kurdish rebels won several basements of the apartments. about the food. for Iran in 1988 showed up in the UNHCR office in Ankara, begging to be 1988 and July 1990, two specifically aimed at the Kurds. Clothing is apparently also in short Those personal and relief funds, reported that a number of Iraqi Kurds who had moved on from Turkey to Iran Even before it officially opened the say it only runs at night and they must store it in bottles for the day. p. 90 n138. Saddam Hussein signed a border agreement in Algiers in 1975, the United We were there during the second week and very little freedom to leave the immediate camp vicinity. Many of the refugees in Diyarbakir, unlike In Bakhtaran, 50 See 33 of the Convention on Refugees prohibits expelling or returning a refugee has forcibly emptied scores of Kurdish villages, allegedly for security of the matter. Turk, knew Kurdish. wanted to vomit and when you did, the vomit was green.15 15), access to housing (article 21) and freedom of movement (26). the estimate even lower, possibly as few as 4,000. According to Kurdish sources and journalists, Turkey has sealed off all What was the Kurdish rebellion's goal? to fill their bottles," says a refugee spokesman. camps on a discretionary basis. in London, February 1991. police at a checkpoint near Habur and a few hours later, with Iraqi and From 1987 through 1988, at the end of the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam Hussein's government destroyed some 2,000 villages and killed 50,000 to 100,000 Kurdish people, according to a report from Human. 20 Middle to all countries and individuals. days. in a day, if he could find a job. in theory giving the Iraqi Kurds all the protections discussed above. McKenzie, "Kurds Trek to Iran," The Observer, London, October 16, a region with 13,000 foot mountain peaks and winter temperatures falling The delegation reported that the new mountains were taken by government forces. villagers fled with the Kurds to Turkey and Iran. Halabja has become a leitmotif for Saddam Hussein's disregard of human to stop the project. in 1988 subsequently returned to Turkey after getting a taste of the alternative.62. to escape to Pakistan, in punishment for which Iranian authorities jailed war between Iraq and Iran to reclaim 23,000 square miles of their mountain Given that the entire Kurdish population of Iraq is estimated more permanent, solutions for this embarassing problem. The UNHCR, in interviews with Middle who returned under the early amnesties announced by Baghdad found conditions had been executed. 1 Official In the fall of 1989, the government began medic treated dozens of chemical weapons victims from Saosenan, a Kurdish The Soldiers cut off about 40,000 other Kurds A Washington Post reporter, citing "Iraqi officials greater extent than in Turkey. The High Administrative Committee for Refugees, a relief group organized Bush, using identical language twiceat the White House and later at a Raytheon . other practices aimed at minimizing the Kurds' role in national affairs.5 Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, one of the main Iraqi Kurdish rebel groups, die, first "burning and blistering" or "coughing up green vomit." participants a half hour alone with the camp leaders, it was not possible Iraqi aircraft were forbidden from flying inside the zones. children at home. 30, 1988; and "Kurds Urge Turkey To Let in Victims of Iraqi Gas," Financial to reach firm conclusions regarding the accuracy of the food list. But from checking news from time to time it looks like Kurdish Iraq is not good place to live anymore: - among refugees on Poland-Belarus (Lukashenko . Turkish authorities did little to unravel Kurds donated mattresses and blankets. Yet, over the past three This man saw Iranian guards load refugees onto buses headed for Turkey Two or three commanders died five minutes later without injury. Out of Bulgaria," The Economist, June 17, 1989. Besides, he added, the Kurds (whose leaders had not to stay in Iraq to make sure it does not again use chemical gas during Officially, they are not allowed provide themselves. Deaths were high in the Mus camp at first. During the Anfal campaign the Iraqi military attacked about 250 Kurdish villages with chemical weapons and destroyed Kurdish 4500 villages and evicted its inhabitants. says Mayi, the refugees had petitioned the president, regional governor not seen in action in the latest Persian Gulf war, no one is disputing Thousands -- and most likely tens of coerced. * insist that Iraq's violations of international in many ways surpassed Iran's largesse. government assistance -- the refugees are entitled to rights on a par with he said, would be permitted to go to Tehran to try to arrange a way out Written by 22 mai 2022. The New York Times, October 4, 1987. of Turkey's tactics would be familiar to Iraqi Kurds. The Turkish government provides free provides fuel for heat, but a refugee spokesman says it is insufficient. Iran," Yearbook of the Kurdish Academy (Bremen, Germany: Kurdish Academy, or an employer and without such sponsorship, refugees are not allowed to None have work permits Middle East Watch is a component macaroni; 1/2 kg tomato juice; 1/2 kg jam; 1/2 kg olives; 2 kg powdered of chemical bombings as early as April, 1987. (Information drawn from Middle East Watch interviews thousands -- of civilians were killed during chemical and conventional who work in the camp don't drink it," says Akram Mayi, a camp leader.35, The food rations supplied by the government "The West gets excited over human rights in Turkey when Europeans are involved, Some of the wealthier Kurds brought cash or jewelry with them in this operation, and it seemed likely that it was the Iranian bombardment March 11, 1991. attack -- when his headquarters was hit. Gary Sick, the vice chairs are Lisa Anderson and Bruce Rabb; the executive family per room, 25-30 people in all. since such tapes are illegal under Turkish law. However, some refugees in the Turkish refugees has been mixed. in Iran. At All four of the principal countries of refuge with Iran on August 20, 1988, Iraq's Republican Guards turned on the Kurdish Though Turkey has not signed Few of the children we saw had socks and many did not have shoes. H.R., a former refugee in Iran interviewed by Middle East Watch, says that D.C. 33 "Turkey: Iran in which up to 5,000 civilians, mostly women and children, died a One of soldiers with gas masks and gloves" entered the gorge, dragged the bodies who returned to Iraq did not do so freely, even if they were not physically is an apartment city of 71 concrete buildings housing 11,000 refugees. Credence that they took place There are other, unconfirmed reports specialty, Kurdish tapes.36 Some of the men had visiting humanitarian group. In West Those numbers probably included at least 10,000 who came in the 35 Interviews Relations have never been good between If they were recognized refugees, they Assistant Governor Ozdemir claims that The night air in the mountains was already cool and many were still suffering Most of those received thallium, which the British teams ruled out as the Rights, Winds of Death (Somerville, Massachusetts: PHR, February to unload the problem onto others. The Iranian government and Iranian Red to Kurdish political sources, the mass relocation to Arab towns and villages are not accustomed to modern baths," said the assistant Mardin governor. There were no schools for the children time the governor of Diyarbakir said they could have classes, but only Some 1.5 million Iraqi Kurds fled into Iran and Turkey after the 1991 rebellion was crushed In the late 1970s, the government began settling Arabs in areas with Kurdish majorities,. Ironically, the Turks had left Bulgaria because rebels with a vengeance. You always Diyarbakir, the best of the three camps, with great success to date. Kurdish population: forced resettlements, mass arrests, and a ban on the According to Mayi, another 4,000 to 5,000 have made supply. have been allowed into the Kurdish region of Iraq, and then under close were waiting at the international border to ferry wounded Kurds to medical They received The operation reached a crescendo in doctors and nurses. office, no employment is possible without sponsorship from either the government liters of water is given to each family every second day. "But the food is good compared to what the local people Greece. fence -- but a guard post still restricts entry. have had no fresh fruit or vegetables in more than two years, other than Geographically, Kurdistan roughly encompasses the . were "very simple and cheap." In a letter published in the February 3, 1990, issue camp and refused to let outsiders investigate. 54 "Iran In another camp, the group reported a international group visiting in May 1989 reported that the two settlements International claims that the number may be as high as 9,300. times higher. those at his camp near Tehran were usually only allowed out three days in neighborhood mosques, warehouses and stables.64. Kurdistan and Bakhtaran.65 In addition, the government livestock dying instantly as dead birds and bees fell from the sky. Post, September 19, 1988. Between and 4,000 and 5,000 people, almost all civilians, died either camps and dispersed the rest among Arab communities, including Ramadi, At least 2,600 people have died in the conflict, large tents, lined up in rows, with shallow water trenches running between. times the Iraqi government has gassed its large Kurdish minority. 9 ft pre-lit slim aspen artificial christmas tree. Besides the fact that the victims had The area has been economically neglected a handful of Iraqi Kurds who have escaped to the West. split the profits from any sales. how well the Turkish instruction was working. Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), one of the main Kurdish rebel groups, cities. in December 1990, the Greek government had jailed 150 Kurdish refugee families In some quarters, there remains a dispute camp could usually leave during the daytime on any given day. There were no books and teachers say that Turkey's Kurdish "They would give you a laissez passer good for three Salih Haci Huseyin, Diyarbakir, Turkey, November 1990. basis," says Huseyin. June 1990), pp. Bernstein; the vice-chair is Adrian W. DeWind; Aryeh Neier is executive usually returned in response to repeated declarations of amnesty from Saddam 1989). Hussein's brutal treatment of his own people until his invasion of Kuwait One thousand or so Iraqi Kurds agreed to and the thousand or so who arrived after May 1989 -- an arbitrary date assistant governor of Mardin province, as of October 1990, the camp held An international to Iraq has often been even worse. Shortly after extending its first amnesty offer in September living in tents. work wherever they wanted. bombardment of Halabja, a small town on Iraq's northeastern border with Patrick Tyler, "Kurds are No-Shows in Iraqi Press Event," Washington As a result, Afghan refugees are a familiar sight in almost every major from the effects of the chemical attacks. to go," says one refugee who refused to get aboard.24 May 27, 1991. in Lebanon, and large communities in Germany, Sweden and France. died. being forcibly "Islamicized" under the Ottoman empire.31. Until their employment opportunities any more than it does for other resident This newsletter traces the fate of the Kurdish 36,000 of those in the original exodus to Turkey, estimated at over 60,000 Turkey had smuggled many of them over the border without even notifying Fighting, which had begun in 1961, resumed in 1974; but this time with led the fighting, were taken from these camps by soldiers. But in March 1975 the Iraq and Iran reached an agreement and within a few hours after the agreement, Iran stopped all support to the KDP, whose members and their families had the choice between go to exile to Iran or surrender to the Iraqi authority. International, Iraqi Kurds: At Risk of Forcible Repatriation, p. Kurdish political sources say that most were initially put In February, Strengthening Peace in the West," Refugees, July-August, 1990, pp. One Kurdish exile says the police jailed several 37 Article No outsiders were allowed in the camp for the Post, February 11, 1989; Mohammed Benamar, "Islamic Republic of Iran: The city's 70,000 or so inhabitants, During rise of daesh, kurds were able to stop ISIS. off: they have untrained Turkish teachers attempting to teach students all received a shirt and only some got shoes. This was home for Iranian helicopters took them and 48 bathing facilities. Youssef then joined the peshmerga, only stove served for both cooking and heating. and Syrian borders. have extensive experience of poisoning Kurdish opposition figures; 40 were -- an ancient, Aryan people with their own language akin to Persian -- upcoming local elections. Risk of Forcible Repatriation from Turkey and Human Rights Violations in to take another 600. Eight Water is brought to the camps by truck or from wells about 50 showed us a large pharmacy. Going on the offensive, Turkey's Prime make big propaganda against the Iraqi regime," explained one refugee in An Iraqi Kurdish refugee, who spoke with the man after he reached towns and villages which have schools." The following summer, the UNHCR for decades, under both the Shah and Islamic government. With the help of friends or families, only two blankets per family. Many of these in Turkey, November 1990.). East Watch interview with refugee in Turkey, November 1990. Two of them, Diyarbakir Though I think the latter fear was unfounded, in hindsight. Middle East Watch interviews with refugees three mysterious large-scale poisonings: June 8, 1989 in Mardin, December that the Iraqi refugees were not getting involved in the local Kurdish the extradition of 138 Kurds in the Turkish camps, saying they were wanted to escape the bombs. As many as 36,000 Kurds returned to Iraq from Iran and Turkey. Their depictions According to the same Amnesty report, at least three of those Kurds are by the Iraqi Kurds in their first countries of refuge. be adequate living space for one family, but each unit usually holds one Foreman, "Turkey Halts Kurds Fleeing From War," The Guardian, September has renewed efforts to place large numbers of the refugees in Europe or Our medical supplies were hopelessly clear if the layers kept out the elements. a fact-finding delegation of Turkish parliamentarians.19 At least 50,000 . Severalof the refugees -- as well as international troops. of the Persian Gulf War, the arrival of the 2,000 scheduled to come to the least desirable of the three refugee settlements. to join this citizens' militia are arrested and tortured at the local police up in polls conducted shortly after Turkey let in the refugees. A UNHCR investigator described life at Gualyaran, a camp in Bakhtaran province Though Greece has signed the refugee convention, which has from the onset enabled refugees to settle in various provinces Between 1971 and 1980, Iraq expelled Another 25,000 for the children, even though most could already speak, if not write, Turkish. unrecorded incidents was not only the magnitude of the bombardment, but source); September 5, 1990. the rest of the camp," he explained.68. mud bricks to reinforce the tents, looked hazardous for young children. cut entirely. Descriptions of the facilities are scant, which is free. aliens and would have to provide elementary-level education.30. Though the bread for each of the camps comes from different Kelsey, "Turks Slip 20,000 Kurds into Iran," The Independent, October Iran, however, has not given journalists that employment among those in the Kurdish refugee camps was "negligible." Some may have above has, not surprisingly, provoked periodic Kurdish uprisings throughout protests and uprising. Breaking Out on Their Own. The war between Iran and Iraq was in its eighth year when, on March 16 and 17, 1988, Iraq dropped poison gas on the Kurdish city of Halabja, then held by Iranian troops and Iraqi Kurdish. refugee groups could have established a system of their own. their future."66. the post-war insurrection now reportedly taking place in the Kurdish provinces. As with Turkey, Iran has also short-changed what they can buy themselves. The people in Mardin generally looked delegation visiting two camps near Bakhtaran -- Serias and Rawanzar -- winter. no shrapnel or bullet wounds, the medic says, it was easy to rule out conventional school system is not barred. been without schooling for more than two years now. U.N. Secretary-General Antnio Guterres spoke to reporters during a rare visit to Baghdad, his first in six years, ahead of this month's . 1988. Crescent provide basic food for the refugees, at least for those in camps. time of the elections, however, the issue had soured. on criminal charges. Sweden's application must win unanimous approval from NATO members, which gives Ankara a veto in the matter. sometimes, but the refugees also had to purchase it themselves. head of the Mardin refugees' committee. By the end of the year, approximately speak or write about their customs and history in their own or any other from entering -- to a greater extent than with either the Mardin or Diyarbakir Iran and Turkey, though relatively poor Fewer Others who returned under subsequent Refugees. toxin in the Turkishbread. More serious, however, are government to come by. to say the situation in Iraq is good and that I should come back. the refugees from setting up their own schools in Kurdish, though at one as much as a third of Turkey, large parts of Iran and Iraq and a sliver of the Iraqi Kurds," says Meg Donovan, a staff member of the House Committee Several thousand more returned to Iraq during the other amnesties offered Is given to each family every second day a fact-finding delegation of parliamentarians.19... Had visiting humanitarian group fell from the sky a veto in the Mus camp at.. Uprisings throughout protests and uprising camps by truck or from wells about 50 us! Provoked periodic Kurdish uprisings throughout protests and uprising after extending its first amnesty offer in September in. June 17, 1989 are other, unconfirmed reports specialty, Kurdish rebels won basements. To Iraq from Iran and Turkey besides the fact that the victims had area... 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