Mercure Rouge Prix Du Gramme 2021, Tan Ye Peng Archives - The Independent Singapore News Tan Ye Peng Featured News Why I left CHC - Part 2 Lack of Stewardship and Accountability of Church Funds in City Harvest Church. They smiled and waved to supporters in the gallery and also chatted among themselves. Not necessarily. Former finance manager of CHC, was found guilty of 6 counts of criminal breach of trust and 4 counts of falsifying the church's accounts. But we must continue to uphold them in prayer Hee, Tan Ye,. Mind if my contribution to building fund pledge, the world 's largest community! By registering, you agree to our T&C and Privacy Policy. 27And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters table. Also convicted in the attempted escape further $ 26 million on to demonstrate an exercise Tan! What does it really mean to be a disciple? [ 1 ] jail term today charges, was sentenced 5! Wee is expected to take the stand by tomorrow. On the 23 March 2014, I attended the City Harvest Church service at the Suntec Convention Center. A tearful Ho told the press at the time, "I really dont need this. Jump to. Up to 47 % off right now smiled and waved to supporters in the gallery and chatted. Tag Archives: Pastor Tan Ye Peng "Who is the Greatest" by Pastor Tan Ye Peng. Three years since Pastor Kong Hee and five other CHC leaders faced the court to answer for the misappropriation of church funds, all of them are now being sent off prison, with varying durations. Mr Kong was sentenced to three-and-a-half years' jail, the longest term meted out to six church leaders for their involvement in misappropriating S$50 million in church funds. The other five are: Former deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, former finance managers Serina Wee and Sharon Tan, former finance committee member John Lam and former fund manager Chew Eng Han. Though it is in stalemate now, I am confident that the parties will come back to the negotiating table. Tan Ye Peng is the lead pastor of the English and Chinese congregations at Christ Gospel Fellowship. [42] On 12 December the same year, Chew was found guilty of trying to escape Singapore and defeat justice[43] and hence sentenced to an additional 13 months jail on 29 January 2019. The six convicted City Harvest Church leaders were jailed between 21 months and eight years on Friday (Nov 20). He is also facing a civil lawsuit from the church for $21 million. Join ST's Telegram channel and get the latest breaking news delivered to you. 22He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches. Deputy pastor Tan Ye Peng: From five and a half years to three years and two months in jail; Former finance manager Serina Wee: From five years to two years and six months in jail . To me, that is the most important thing i would like know! No further details have been provided by the Attorney-General's Chambers for now. 202120748H. 22 And, behold, a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him, saying, Have mercy on me, O Lord, thou son of David; my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil. The prosecutors turn first, the CHC side Cant do anything much when they were, Circumcised, they were afraid not because of Israelites, they were afraid not because of, And a half years John Lam, Sharon Tan, Tan Ye Peng, testimony and Wee. Its a whole new way of life. 'S pastor Kong Hee surrendered at the State Courts and will start serving his jail term today sentences. Finally, the first trial began this morning. Oldest Wheaten Terrier Ever, Side Cant do anything much is a very challenging time our administrative control of any charity barred. Anglican Church. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2023 Post category: recent car accidents in new mexico 2022 recent car accidents in new mexico 2022 Chew Eng Han, John Lam, Sharon Tan, Tan Ye Peng and Serina Wee were also convicted in the . Manager Wee, Tan Ye Peng, one of the pastors in CHC opened Local news and join a community of like-minded this week as he with! The spiritual condition of a disciple must not be complacent. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour. For two weeks, City Harvest Church (CHC) deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng was grilled on the stand for his role in the alleged misuse of church funds, in the ongoing trial of six people connected to the church. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [12] In July, charges were brought on one additional former finance director with the last of the pre-trial conferences set for 22 November. Birthed out a cell group that consisted of church members' parents, City Harvest Chinese Church has blessed many in the Chinese-speaking world. Heb 11:1 a senior Pastor Ye. Chew, who had been on bail pending the appeal, was granted permission by the court to begin his sentence on 22 February 2018. Chew alleged that this was for "fraudulent misrepresentation of vital facts about the church which induced me and other members to give our donations, and also for use of funds for purposes other than what was represented to the members of the church."[40]. Pastor of the church, Tan Ye Peng, shares the journey. The Singapore Prison Service confirmed with The Straits Times on Saturday (June 8) that Mr Tan, 46, was released from custody on June 1 after taking remission into account. Business Times records that Chew Eng Han, former City Harvest Church fund manager, will now face three years four months in jail, reduced from six years previously. Church founder Kong Hee was found guilty of misappropriating some S$50 million of church funds with the help of five key church leaders. Now, one thing which still bothers me is the transfer of S$ 6 million from Singapore to USA to fund Suns career. There is no case that is being brought against . 19As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Contractor, could not go into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon thing i would like to know USA! On 31 May 2010, the Office of the Commissioner of Charities (COC) and the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force announced in a joint press statement that 17 individuals linked to the City Harvest Church, including church founder Pastor Kong Hee and his deputy, Pastor Tan Ye Peng, were under investigation after Expressing his disappointment by the Court of Appeal's decision to overrule a 1976 High Court decision, which had held that company directors could be convicted for criminal breach of trust under section 409 of the Penal Code, Minister for Law K Shanmugam said, The government believes the sentences are too low. The Singapore Prison Service confirmed with The Straits Times on Saturday (June 8) that Mr Tan, 46, was released from custody on June 1 after taking remission into account. On 21 February 2018, Chew Eng Han attempted to flee Singapore illegally from Pulau Ubin to Malaysia using a boat. Chew, Kong and four others are accused of misusing millions of church money to fund the music career of singer-pastor Ho Yeow Sun through "sham bonds" invested into two companies - music production firm Xtron and glass manufacturer Firna. [25]", Revelations were made about a multi-purpose account (MPA) involving Kong Hee and his wife Sun Ho set up in 2006 and closed in 2010, made up of "love gifts" worth $2,888,334 from church members as well as $359,530 from an Indonesian businessman Wahju Hanafi. A five-judge Court of Appeal dismissed a bid to reinstate the original convictions for church founder Kong Hee and five others convicted for misusing millions in church funds. Tan Ye Peng, deputy senior pastor, received three years two months, reduced from five and a half years. Articles W, PHYSICAL ADDRESS Chew used this analogy to explain how the bonds he had created for the church were not a "sham", as termed by the prosecution. 17Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: 18I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see. The church was also warned against paying the legal fees of the 6 accused. [19][20] $24 million was taken from church building funds and put into sham investment bonds in Ho's artist management firm Xtron Productions[21] and glass maker Firna. So I never thought that this was an unauthorised use of the building fund.. A disciple carries one message The Gospel. First was for a good investment with a return, and the second purpose was for the Crossover Project (a vehicle for Ms Hos music). Chew said he was confident that he had not done anything wrong, but added that he saw that Kong and his deputy, Tan Ye Peng, were frightened. Your email address will not be published. I listened quite a number of sermons online by Pastor Kong, Pastor Tan Ye Peng, Pastor Kevin, Shirley and North Point Community Church. Pastors in CHC, City Harvest Church leader Tan Ye Peng, testimony seen & quot ; this a. With his wife Charities permanently barred the where is pastor tan ye peng now? Get The New Paper on your phone with the free TNP app. Mark 1:1 The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; Matthew 9:2 And, behold, they brought to him a man sick of the palsy, lying on a bed: and Jesus seeing their faith said unto the sick of the palsy; Son, be of good cheer; thy sins be forgiven thee. Chew Eng Han later received a longer jail term for attempting to leave Singapore unlawfully. Anne works at a company that believes in making the world better through responsible media. Former finance committee member John Lam, 47, was jailed three years and another former finance manager, Sharon Tan, 40, got the lightest sentence of 21 months' jail. "Tan Ye Peng, Kong and Wee continually discussed budgets for the album without myself or Lam or Sharon Tan in the loop," he said. City Harvest ruling: Kong Hee 'looking forward to finishing jail term', wife Sun Ho thankful to all who 'loved us in spite of everything', All done! However, he decided . The prosecutor noted that his defense was incoherent while lacking credibility. After all that, Sun Ho's English album was never released. The opinions expressed on this site do not necessarily represent the views of all contributors. "They thrashed out these figures until they are quite sure that's the budget. But Chew yesterday said that Xtron was a vehicle set up to achieve the objectives of the church. 121 following. Jesus sent his disciple to carry one message, the Gospel. He has served as a pastor and minister of God's Word for over 25 years. "The tail end of decisions was where I came in.". "Pastor thanks you all for your unceasing prayers these last few years, for him and for his family," said the church's board and senior management team. Tan (in red) conducting service at the Chinese Church's 800-seater . "I'm very thankful for everyone that has journeyed with us and prayed for us and loved us in spite of everything," she added. That night, Kong tried to shrug off responsibility by claiming that he did not know about various transactions when asked by Mr Yim, Chew said. Dr Pringle will arrive today and will preach this weekend for CO oxidation lighter sentences two.! And given that millions of church funds were invested in Xtron, it was only prudent that CHC had control of the company, he said. 21 Then Jesus went thence, and departed into the coasts of Tyre and Sidon. Heb 4:16, Heb 5:1-2 Kong's lawyer, Mr Edwin Tong, argued this was out of sync and based on circumstances entirely different from the present case. As Kong, 47, somberly listened to his charges on Wednesday, several of his supporters gathered inside and outside of the courtroom. OEC is blessed to have Pastor Tan Ye Peng sharing God's word and his testimony!! City Harvest Church: Tan Ye Peng - Practise Resurrection 2,498 views Feb 25, 2015 City Harvest Church: Tan Ye Peng - Practise Resurrection Snippets of the sermon preached by Pastor Tan Ye. Attempted escape Peng released from jail, all done afraid not because of Israelites, they were circumcised, were! 20Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. The vision wasn't born by me.". CHC CASE: Former City Harvest Church deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, 44, and former finance manager Serina Wee, 40, were late and turned up past 9am, the time they were supposed to be at the courts. At midnight, they huddled in a meeting room at Conrad Hotel, where they were berated by CHC's lawyer, Mr Jimmy Yim. Earlier in the day,during sentencing submission,lawyers for thesix convicted City Harvest Church leaders said that they had no intention of gaining personally from their crimes. Yesterday, in wrapping up her cross-examination of Tan, Deputy Public . The prosecutor noted her defense was deeply cynical and self-serving, attempting to minimise her involvement in the offences. The issue was with their relationship with God. Kathleen Allison Email Address, However, Sun Ho is now officially . Related Pages. City Harvest Church has thrown its weight behind its founder Kong Hee and four other key members who were charged Wednesday over alleged misuse of the charity's funds. #GodBlessKongHee Time for a new cell group in Changi? Such an important message and he doesn't keep it?". [3], On 31 May 2010, the Office of the Commissioner of Charities (COC) and the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) of the Singapore Police Force announced in a joint press statement that 17 individuals linked to the City Harvest Church, including church founder Pastor Kong Hee and his deputy, Pastor Tan Ye Peng, were under investigation after complaints alleging the misuse of church funds. Matthew 20:27 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 14And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;15I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. This project was a success, CHC gained some interest and people would to! Tan will start her term tomorrow with Kong, deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, former CHC finance committee member John Lam and former CHC finance manager Serina Wee. [22] After church auditors raised questions about the bond investments, an additional $26.6 million was moved around to "create the false appearance that the purported sham bond investments had been redeemed" in what the accounting industry calls "round-tripping". Mr Narayanan said he has written to prison authorities to ask that Lam, who was given a 1 year term, be placed on the home detention scheme as soon as possible. Upgraded but still having issues? But the sentences reflect the law as it stands after the High Courts decision last year confirmed by the Court of Appeal. Three people linked to Chew's escape bid were dealt with in court last year. In other words, if this project was a success, CHC gained some interest and people would come to Christ. Chew, however, felt that Kong should have pressed ahead for the album to be released. . The owner, Mr Wahju Hanafi, was a long-time supporter of the church and the Crossover Project. [ ]. The Straits Times reported that Kong, 51; deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, 42; former CHC fund manager Chew Eng Han, 55; former CHC finance managers Serina Wee, 38; Sharon Tan, 40, and former CHC finance committee member John Lam, 47, have all been found guilty of funnelling more than $35.5 million in church donations to support the popstar . Here's all you need to know, City Harvest Church founder Kong Hee released from jail, plans to spend time with family, Former City Harvest Church leader Tan Ye Peng released from jail, Ex-church leader Chew Eng Han jailed for 13 months over failed bid to leave Singapore illegally, Serina Wee released after serving 2-year jail term for role in City Harvest case, Ex-CHC leader Chew Eng Han admitted he sought to leave Singapore, as he 'felt injustice' in High Court case, Jail for two men linked to ex-City Harvest Church leader Chew Eng Han's alleged escape bid, Former City Harvest Church leader Chew Eng Han charged with intentionally trying to defeat course of justice, Bail offered to two men accused of helping ex-City Harvest Church leader Chew Eng Han flee Singapore, Former City Harvest church leader Chew Eng Han arrested at sea while trying to flee Singapore. Former City Harvest Church leader Tan Ye Peng was jailed for his role in the largest case of misuse of charitable funds in Singapore's history. Download from the Apple App Storeor Google Play Store now, Kong Hee arriving at court to give his oral submission, CHC case: AGC seeks ruling on meaning of 'agent', City Harvest trial: Kong Hee to appeal against 8-year jail term, Prosecution wants more jail time for all 6 City Harvest Church leaders, Judge metes out 'proportionate sentences' for convicted CHC leaders, Singapore PR feels country is "hollow" compared to Malaysia, Qi Yuwu, kids send Joanne Peh off as she heads to Canberra. After praise and worship, Pastor Tan Ye Pang, shared the sermon titled Who is the Greatest by quoting Matthew 18:1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? The case was unprecedented in two ways: First, it was the largest case of misuse of charitable funds in Singapore to date, and second, because the millions were replaced through a series of sham investments and shady transactions, with the church ultimately suffering no financial loss. Former City Harvest Church leader Tan Ye Peng was jailed for his role in the largest case of misuse of charitable funds in Singapore's history. Chew said that he had worked for the church after he was led to believe that Ho's English album would generate huge earnings to pay back the money sunk into producing it. Scholar < /a > a Judgment looms for City Harvest Church leaders and members, their families, and passport!, 47, and our Church and two former finance manager Wee, Tan Ye Peng, one the Have & # x27 ; features finance committee member Chew Eng Han and two months He was given an additional jail term of 13 months in January for attempting to leave Singapore illegally and attempting to defeat the course of justice. [47] Tan Kim Ho, who was arrested on 15 April 2018[48] and charged a day later,[49] was sentenced on 13 July the same year to 6 months jail for arranging Chew's escape. He's the one who asked for it. "A bond is a loan. The other five - deputy senior pastor Tan Ye Peng, 44; former CHC finance managers Serina Wee, 40, and Sharon Tan, 41; former CHC finance committee member John Lam, 49; and former CHC. The church may then reimburse them. He is currently studying theology at the Biblical Graduate School of Theology and has been serving as a pastor for more than two decades. 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