She quips that if she had talked first, she would have told her that the candle is nullifying their magic. Hope mocks her, wondering if that was her big swing to flip her humanity, but Rebekah questions why she brought it up. They're facing them all at once and they should be forcing the gods to fight them. Aurora gladly tells her that, burrowed into his chest, it rendered him unconscious and in a state of impossible and unending agony. He tells her to carry it with her in the years to come. She then says that Landon is in the root cellar and that Rafael has three minutes to talk to her before she intervenes. Hope returns with Marcel. Hope has the bartender chained up, torturing him by throwing darts into him. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. Vincent is anchoring the spell, so while her body may be intangible, they are truly in New Orleans, and everything is very real. Now it's time for them to go to war. In There's A Place Where The Lost Things Go, Hope participates in Emma Tig's simulation along with the other members of the Salvatore School Group. She is the adoptive younger sister of Marcel Gerard via her father. Listening, actually, to the little voice in his head, while showing her the pendant. Hope tells him that he'll have to take his own advice. Later, Freya reveals to Finn that Dahlia decided to take her from Esther when she started to develop her great power at five years old and that when Hope starts to use magic, it will act as a beacon, calling her to the baby, unbeknownst to Hope's aunt, Hope has started to use magic much earlier than expected, which implies that Dahlia has already felt Hope's power and whatever they try, she is coming. After he resurrects, the two embrace and their relationship troubles seem solved. I waited for you for years! Who called me princess. They were able to gradually regain their friendship after Hope helped Josie with the Mora Miserium. klausmikaelson In turn, Alaric thanks her for being the third-best daughter. While doing school, Hope barges in, questioning if he really had a witch put a barrier spell around his office. That morning, she seeks Alaric's advice on her dream. Malivore reminds her that she has no magic, no wolf form or vampire powers. Her cheeks had little freckles scattered across them. MG specifically wonders how it will help them fight the gods, but Hope explains that, on its own, it can't. However, she tells Landon that it's not worth losing him again, not even a piece. They don't take kindly to strangers poaching on their hunting grounds. They're still family, but Hope questions what good is family if they just stab you in the back. Hope reiterates to Alaric that it's time for him to man up and make the squad accept her proposal otherwise Jed will only get worse. Hope chimes in, telling her that they both made some really stupid and self-destructive choices and, instead of apologizing, she wants people to understand and excuse her. Hope dismisses Lizzie initially, but returns shortly after to help her in her battle against dark Josie. Cleo believed this was what she wanted; however, Hope can't do that, that was before she knew that there was a portal. He reassures her that Landon, too, is willing to sacrifice everything just to spare other people's pain; something he learned from her. However, Hope is feeling plenty of powerful things, such as anger, resentment and rage. Hope tells her the truth. The act caused her to instantly flip her humanity switch. Hope is determined to use it as her way in but Alaric forbids her to do so until they have credible proof that Landon is still alive. His former self never got to watch her grow up or who she would have become. About to lose control, Lizzie grabs her and tells her to come with her. We are a thousand years of emptiness, an endless parade of slaughter. Josie attempts to offer her help, but Lizzie refuses. Once the baby is born Hayley asks if she could hold her. Not long, Hope makes her way to an estate and asks the Butler to let the vampire know the witch and wolf are dead. Aurora already knows what to do with her, but Hope doesn't back down. Clarke tells Hope that the vortex will destroy her and begs her to break the mimic spell so that he can help her, to which she obliges. They decide to follow the merman to the location he needs to go to deliver the Anubian urn. Turning to face her, Hope reiterates that it takes god magic to kill a god. Hope's humanity tells her she's going about it all wrong because they've already lost before they made the first move. The Necromancer explains that they're in Limbo. Hope admits that she has figured out that a vortex opens each time she practices magic and the problem is that she has never fully activated her vampire side therefore cannot kill Malivore. If they refuse to hand her over, they'll all die. Long live their new alpha. She also knows that Vincent dropped the spell which means they're back in their mind. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. Not finding him, she uses a locator spell and finds him on the docks. Remove Landon and he couldn't stand in his way. However, they need her muse powers to lead the way to bring her, and Landon, home. Alaric wants her to prove it, to use the Manticulum and ask the question. Later Klaus confesses to Elijah that all is his fault and that he should have accepted Hayley's pregnancy - and now his daughter is away from him. He slams the spear into the ground, releasing a shockwave of energy that sends the four of them flying into the air. Malivore, however, has no intention of letting that happen and to let her die. He believes them to be beautiful and poetic, and it shows her dad in such a great light. With Cleo's departure from the school, Hope rushes back to the gym to update Alaric. Hope is shocked and doesn't understand and Landon is helpless to stop whatever is happening to him. MG leaves the blood bag and leaves. However, he knows where he belongs when he's in Limbo. She knows it's him, and embraces him in a kiss, citing she needed more proof. This allowed Landon to become involved with Josie and the two developed a romantic relationship, culminating in their first kiss which was witnessed by Hope. Ken approaches her, claiming the end of the legend of the tribrid, the legacy of Klaus, forever. His wish is for her to have a long and happy life and for her to remember that he will always love her; forever. This sword won't even kill her, yet he won't even try, believing he doesn't have what it takes. When Hope's arrogance gets the better of her, Aurora switches their bodies. Their friendship became complicated after Hope was absorbed by Malivore and all memories of her were erased. They run into Lizzie and interrogate her until they see she couldn't be controlled due to the bracelet on her giving her electric shocks anytime she says something mean. They will all die. He laughs at the fact that Hope has wasted her life as she has not been able to destroy Malivore, but does reveal that her consumption has harmed him, allowing all of the creatures absorbed to roam freely within. After Josie is bitten and a boil appears, they see a swarm of locusts and go for cover in a shop. As the simulation unfolds, it is revealed that Landon left and Hope refused to go with him. He also reveals he knows about them being from Mystic Falls and Alaric's school for the supernatural. Aurora stands watching events unfold, not willing to intervene. She doesn't want to kill them and her humanity is there somewhere. Hope wonders if Alaric and Kaleb find anything out about Landon, but they come up short, too. She believes that Klaus would be so ashamed and attempts to leave. Demonstrating her skill, Hope compels their entry into the carnival, as well as all the cash from the ticket sales. She retorts that if the price of that stupid toy is her humanity, then he can keep it. Rebekah compels the girl to forget and leave; she's done with the charde. She goes on to say that he can't make this decision without consulting anyone. She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Anton Petrov and Mariya Petrova (Harman), and Esther Mikaelson, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. Spinning around, she strikes the Ferryman with his own scythe and he vanishes into smoke. She asks if he's going to be okay, but he turns the question on her. Lizzie wonders if this means she's reverting to her martyr-complex because she can't face a god alone. Lizzie resists and Hope doubles down, commanding her to drive the stake into her heart. In We're Not Worthy, Hope is still asleep, having not returned with the other Salvatore students as promised by the Necromancer. She is the daughter of father Ricky and mother Rosemary, according to information on her parents.Moving on, she is already close to 22 years old, holds an American passport, and is of Caucasian ancestry. Picking her up by the throat, he throws her into the school gates, impaling her in the stomach. Covered with smoke, Lizzie believes it was Hope that pushed her in. He explains to her that the toy reminded him of a time when he wasn't. Winning is how they save as many people as possible, and Lizzie is their best chance. She claims it was a ruse and tells him that the weapon is effective. The three of them embrace in a hug as Alaric approaches. Hope believes she's stronger than the darkness, and she'll be right by her side like last time. She can't paint with her dead boyfriend's remains. After this, she vomits up a snake as she and her father have been around too long. After Lizzie makes her first wish Hope is transported to a reality where she never enrolled in school and transitioned into a vampire after being orphaned. Kaleb, Lizzie, and Hope rush Ryan back to the hospital to recovers. She hates how many good memories they have and how she is the one to do this when no one else is willing to do it. With a map and chess pieces they strategize their battle plan. After Cleo removes the spell that mutes the monster, it wails once more, and he and Landon figure out that the creature is a banshee. She asks him to forget that she even asked; however, since he's here, she asks for something else. Cleo abhors violence, but she panicked when it was going to harm Alaric. She's been rushing things, but she's been scared. The Ferryman reaches out towards Hope and she offers that if he wants his scythe back he's going to have to release Landon. In the Bayou, when her mother discovers that to prepare her wedding to Jackson she has to share her secret with him she refuses to do it and leaves. While distracted, Lizzie breaks Hope's neck. However, everyone loses someone they love eventually, but feeling that loss means that you have done something right. Josie recovers and is no longer her dark alter-ego. She does not believe that Landon should continue to train to be a "hero", and finds it questionable when he believes he can fly. Lizzie wonders if she needs another yelling-in-the-woods moment, but she brushes it off. Rebekah had to try, just like her father would have tried. As her uncle, aunt and father discuss of their plan she is fed by her mother and stays with her and Elijah when Klaus and Rebekah go back to meet with Esther. With her mind made up, she walks past the Ferryman and dives into the water, waking up in transition. Lizzie tries to compel the Ticket Taker, but fails. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. Freya tells Hope that she's so proud of her. She pleads with someone to take her out and Alaric breaks her neck. She admits she can handle it, even if he was, because he is everything to her. Ultimately, Landon appears to completely dissolve right before her eyes, becoming a dark puddle of goo. Speeding around to the next part, she wants her to picture her fear transforming into something beautiful and they repeat the spell together. However, she chose to return to save everyone. She reminds him that she told him to stay away, but he wonders if she's going to ask about what he saw in the real world. She begins an incantation for the other van until Josh moves her before Emmett can kill her. Similar to that of her biological family, Hope can be daggered and temporarily desiccated by the white oak ash daggers. As Lizzie listens, she hears Luna crying and goes to find her. The conversation is believable, but she's not completely sure the Necromancer will take the bait. Greg doesn't believe she can do that, but the other wolves back off and allow it. He quickly sends Hope and MG into another fabricated reality, and returns Cleo back to hers. As time passed, Hayley grew concerned that because she never had a loving mother in her life, she would not know how to be a good mother to her daughter, but eventually, that faded and she grew to love the child deeply and like Klaus, is dedicated to protecting her at all costs. Humanity-less Hope warns her that the war between them isn't over. Hope's dedication to her family is also gone, as she doesn't want Rebekah's help or any of the other Mikaelson's to come for her. Landon is upset that Hope has been lying to him and storms out. Fans will be seeing much more of Russell's Hope Mikaelson in the near future. Sophie is glad he feels that way, as she blackmails him. As a baby, she had dirty-blonde hair and round dark-blue eyes. However, after Hope's parents died, they became closer and eventually became friends, such that Hope even covers for and protects Josie. Cleo leaves to get Alaric, as Hope fears that Malivore has taken Landon as his vessel. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Hope demands answers and threatens violence. Cleo removes the ring and another star bursts into flames. Meanwhile at the school, Hope notices that everyone except her is a little too merry. She had a sweet and innocent persona. Landon, however, is always on her side and he'd do it all again. She's furious at Lizzie for keeping it a secret from her, but Lizzie is prioritizing. In Hold on Tight, Hope agrees to fight against the Necromancer and his evil plans alongside the other members of the Super Squad. Hope reassures her that "there's always a loophole" and they will fix the situation. Her middle name is Andrea after her mother's birth-name and she takes the surname of her father's side. She can hear all of them in the woods, the wolves and their very loud heartbeats. MG wants to go get the keys to release her but she refuses. Humanity is just the strength to not give in to them and she believes that she is the most emotional person she's met and she knows Lizzie. She screams, bursts into flames, and sizzling skins visibly disturbing Lizzie. Klaus is the Original vampire of Mystic Falls and is one of the biggest parts of the entire story. In I'll Never Give Up Hope, Hope is seen wondering cluelessly around Malivore having been consumed previously. Humanity Hope is just the tiny voice in her head, telling her what she already knows, but she will grow louder if she doesn't listen. Hope questions how the spell works. After a bloody battle, they won and returned to the school. She vamps behind Aurora and snaps her neck. Russell is actually the second actress to play Hope Mikaelson (not counting the kiddos and toddlers who portrayed the character's very young version). Landon is alive and before her. Lizzie wants to try another approach, though Hope is already thinking of something to do. Hope picks back up her sword and the two begin to fight. There's also Ethan, but Lizzie doesn't think she's ready for that. And he tells her that she'll return to him. The book, however, recommends to use lion's hair. They arrive at the old mill, with the help of Lizzie and Josie they kill the monster. Hope wonders if he wants to grab breakfast, but he believes there's something she wants to ask him. Hope, however, still has her werewolf and vampire powers. To his horror, Hope grabs his phone and throws it out the window. She also thanks him and admits that he was right, too, about her dad being in the play. Humanity Hope appears before her as Hope tries to regain control. Hope questions why he never turned it off, but he knows that is never the answer. However, everything was right in the world. Once her humanity returns, Hope leads her friends in the final battle against Ken. Hope abruptly interrupts him, calling him Wayne, explaining that all she is feeling right now is irritation, bordering on homicidal rage. In Girl in New Orleans, Agnes persuades Hayley to go to a doctor out in The Bayou who agrees after a notice of Rebekah who told her that she must care most about her child. In This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, tensions between Hope and Alyssa Chang increase as their room-sharing situation becomes increasingly complicated. MG and Lizzie and Kaleb and Cleo embrace one another in hugs as they break and embrace everyone. He realized something about Josie's story from earlier. As he runs away, he throws Jed into the adjacent wall, knocking him unconscious. She tells Landon she has to get to class but asks him what he thinks it was that he saw at the church, she is surprised he got "werewolves" figured out quickly. In This Feels A Little Cult-y, Hope is late for the theatre class rehearsal. Hope and Ken match blows against one another until Hope struggles to fight through the pain. In Phantomesque, Hope goes after Hayley into the pendent, though she's warned not to open any doors. Hope has had enough with make-believe realities, citing that she's done it over and over again trying to hold on to Landon. Hope points out that just leave him and he assures her that he'll hang back and support them with cover fire, so long as his leg holds up. She chooses to clean the garbage and is joined by Josie while the others follow Lizzie to clean the graffiti. In The Kindness of Strangers, while not appearing in the present, she is seen in flashbacks and photos. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Hope was sent away to be raised by Rebekah, in order to protect her from her father's enemies: the Guerrera Wolves, Esther, and Dahlia. The girls continue to have a strong friendship and mutual connection, with Josie ensuring Hope didn't feel alone before her transition into a tribrid. The memories are overwhelming for her and she completely loses control of her magic, and sends a shockwave of magic throughout the room, knocking the students through the air and unconscious. With a map and chess pieces they strategize their battle plan more proof ash daggers Alaric her! 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