For all of the pro-abortion brothers, why is it you cannot find one verse that speaks about abortion directly. Appears to be a big fan of the "Rocky" movies. (This "collection of 100 awakened leaders who are using their voices and talent to elevate humanity" also included Bishop T.D. Named one of his sons Graham after Charlotte-born evangelist Billy Graham. The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. He has experienced rapid church growth, and he is . For quick access to campus events, teams, and info. Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.. Represent yourself better. Thejudging line is old. So yes, we MUST pronounce sinful behaviors as sin. Get Tickets. Just curious, no biggie, no judgment, just wundrin is all . P.s i would not sight Rick Warren as a viable example either of a pastor who stands for truth. Our Code 1. To contact us or to submit an article, click here. (Note: It is also concerning that no where in the How-To document do they instruct potential churches who they are encouraging to follow their pattern to interview candidates about the gospel or give their testimony. Weve got to get underneath all that so we can gaze upon what is actually going on and what God is about., In Rosebroughs view, the talk was a boxing match theologically; if you watched Furticks body language he was pissed. New Creation Dave, quit being an asshole and worrying about speech and typing. This doesnt mean catering to personal preferences; it means that you have a weighty and high calling to protect, exhort, rebuke, encourage, pray for, and equip your sheep because you will give an account for them (Hebrews 13:17). The devil and his filthy crew want to sew division, create division through casting disgrace and doubt upon believers and unbelievers alike. In July Greear announced he would form a presidential study group on sexual abuse in partnership with the SBC Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. Bethel Church is a charismatic megachurch in Redding, California, that is primarily known for their popular . If you don't doubt it, you're not reading it or you're reading it with no intent to live it. May our Lord Jesus Christ fill your heart with love and not nitpicking. He wimped out for fear of the world; he set aside considerations of Gods purposes/plans for fear of the world. (Note: Before we released this article we sent it to Elevation church with the hope of opening dialogue about these concerns and learning from Elevation church and Pastor Furtick more about the things of which we were concerned. Americas second-largest faith group behind Roman Catholics has studied the problem of sexual abuse by clergy before. Elevation Church were accused of getting 'volunteers' to come forward during the 'spontaneous' baptism services, in order to encourage others to get up out of their seats. Both pastors have been targeted in controversy. Gods heart is for all to have Salvation. This shold not be a surprise to those who pay attention to people like Carl Lentz, Joel Olsteen and others. At the end of the day, this man may be He IS!! We will aggressively defend our unity and that vision. We dont judge unto condemnation but we are commanded to judge by their fruit for MANY OTHER purposes. Elevation's baptism numbers have fluctuated, according to an internal report obtained by NBC, from 289 in 2010 to 2,410 in 2011, from 689 in 2012 to 3,519 for the first eight months of 2013.. The true answers are inconvenient, unpopular, and likely divisive, and his demeanor suggests that having convenience, being popular and inclusive are higher priorities than the clear unvarnished truth. An encouraging word and some gentle and kind suggestions that he may read is what is necessary. It seems that you may have been deceived into thinking (as way too many false churches teach today) that because God is love, He is not Holy. This man does not need kindness, support, encouragement and gentleness. Picked an orange inverted-V as Elevation's logo. The departures are partly the fallout from a series of crises most recently the sudden resignation of its charismatic founder that have left the church with a tarnished reputation and instability that pastors say they found increasingly difficult to endure. And, we want to say with the Apostle Paul that we rejoice anytime the gospel is preached (Phil 1:15-18). That is grotesque manipulation and a parody of the Gospel. He did give a clue to it though in his thinking, he wants to get folks in the door and then bring them to the truth. Nonetheless, Incredibly judge mental and my guess is you have never spoken to Carl personally. I have my doubts. Firmly rooted in Scripture, the beliefs of Elevation guide our decisions as a church. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. He needs rebuke, admonishment and evangelizing (yes, IN LOVE!) See if there is a campus near you. Because Christ is the Word, and Christ is the Judge. Chandler, a Reformed evangelical pastor, spoke as a guest speaker at Elevation last Friday, the third night of the Code Orange Revival. Reading all of these comments shows me a glimpse of why it is so hard to talk to people about Jesus. And if you can, hang on, you haven't had teenagers yet," Furtick said. In 2020, the churchs relationship with money, sex, and celebrity came under renewed scrutiny when Mr. Houston fired Mr. Lentz for leadership issues and breaches of trust, plus a recent revelation of moral failures. Mr. Lentz, a one-time mentor of Mr. Bieber and a celebrity in his own right, confessed that he had been unfaithful to his wife and withdrew from public life. However, these statements fly in the face of the Biblical witness. Greear, whose church adopted the multi-site model in 2005, has defended the practice as biblically sound, saying if done well it can be practically wise for managing growth, church planting and pastoral care. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video.You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. Jesus presented himself as the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). And anyone who is truly saved will be in heaven because his/her sin is covered by the blood of Messiah. Out of concern for the witness of Christs church in the world, the clarity of the gospel and our own local churches, we need to answer these questions to the benefit of our own churches and ministry. Get Tickets. Elevation Worship has become an influential voice . The church has blamed medication and alcohol for Mr. Houstons actions. They are blinded by their own selfish desires they fail to see the Gift before them: Christs great sacrifice. The documentary depicts the megachurch as a toxic institution obsessed with image, control and growth at all costs. Doubt is not part of faith," Owen Strachan, director of the Center for Theological and Cultural Engagement at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrotelast week. May our Lord Jesus Christ fill your heart with love and not nitpicking. Steven Furtickonce asserted that Jesus broke the law that is, committed sin in order to save people. These are important theological questions for all of us to ask ourselves. T. Sin, is sin. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 . They were a testimony to the world. Rosebrough thinks part of the reason for the alleged censorship stems from Furtick and Chandlers theological differences. Terry Crist, a fifth-generation pastor in Phoenix, joined the global megachurch Hillsong in part because of what he describes as its distinctly joyful approach to church life: Hillsong was an institution where leaders seemed light and free, offering a church experience that attracted tens of thousands of people around the world. Get it together? DirecTV Censored Second National Conservative Network Is Fox and Christian TV Next? For example, during the natural disasters of hurricanes, or the man-made disaster of a church shooting, people were on TV and radio proclaiming Christ and Him crucified. Here are 10 facts about him. Elevation Church, a multi-site congregation started a decade ago as a church plant by the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, said in a statement that Jacop Jake Hazlett volunteered to keep an eye on children while their parents worshipped at the churchs Lake Norman location in late 2014. Certainly there are verses that talk about following pastoral leadership, but Romans 13 isnt one of them. In the Elevation Code (read the code here) it states, We need your seat: We will not cater to personal preference in our mission to reach this city. I pray the Creator opens my heart and mind to the truth and I know it the truth even if I dont like it and yes I have many more questions, keep searching, not humans words and you all going on and on about what the Creators truth is by your interpretations , makes me remember what turn me away from churches, Bless us all and may evil be gone, and the light of the Divine shine. Take heed of 2 Timothy 4:3, because I see this trend in many popular hip churches. It has now been nearly a week and we have not heard back from them.). The early churchs love for one another was part of their corporate witness that led to people being added to their number daily (Acts 2:42-47). Truth in love why is that always forgotten ?? Abortion is a much more serious matter than judging because it deprecates the preciousness of life itself (an easy entry into satanic principles), and unless there is a very good reason for it, I believe we have been thoroughly deceived and now accept it as normal, but the price of that is we are now much more desensitized from the staged evils of our world and take them in effortlessly. Since the world hates what we stand for Since so many people want to tear down the message of the cross, pastors and Christians need to be prepared if they are going to be on the air. My heart grieves for this. They didnt ignore Christ or his message as Pastor Lentz did. To say that we must choose one or the other is a false dichotomy not presented in the Bible. Recently in an interview I was asked directly if abortion was sin. Your email address will not be published. We will aggressively defend our unity and that vision. This is quite problematic for two reasons among others: 1) The Scriptures indicate that all Christians can hear from God and know his plans for the church as outlined in the Bible. The church press office described the agreements as standard elements of their general contracts with church leaders. An encouraging word and some gentle and kind suggestions that he may read is what is necessary.. He is merciful and will forgive any CONFESSED sin that includes genuine repentance (turning away from the sin). Elevation Church's revival is seeing some theological controversy. (Furtick's parents named him Larry Stevens Furtick Jr.) 2. For Jonathan: Psalms 94:21 (NKJV) They gather together against the life of the righteous, And condemn innocent blood. Named one of his sons Graham after Charlotte-born evangelist Billy Graham. You obviously havent read the comments and dont know what biblical judging is. Like grabbing We cant accommodate such considerations and concerns, especially since the situation/circumstance didnt suddenly come upon him (which is why we must always be prepared 1Pe 3:15). He (Chandler) said the Bible is not about you., At the beginning of his talk at the revival, Chandler, who leads The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas, told crowds, Weve got to get past Elevation and Pastor Furtick. I agree. Mr. Collier is launching a new church on Easter Sunday, and expects much of his Hillsong congregation to migrate there. I get that. AMEN! This is the Word of God. New Here? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ.. So, because you are lukewarm neither hot nor cold I am about to spit you out of my mouth.. Following in the footsteps of Hillsong, Steven Furtick, the lead pastor, has built an empire that has grown tremendously with now over 20 campuses and even internationally with campuses in Toronto. Do you need to find another church now that you know that the dude with the mic has some doubts?" I have my doubts. We are relayers of Gods word. 2) We dont need a priest to mediate these things to us because there is One Mediator (1 Tim 2:5). Remember the adversary wants us to be offendedit blocks LOVE, just saying. Elevation has gone on a spending spree, building state-of-the-art facilities in south Charlotte and beyond that have cost in the millions. For some leaders of local Hillsong branches, the baggage has become too burdensome to be worth the benefits of affiliation. He cannot tolerate sin. Both churches adopted the multi-site model, where one church meets in multiple locations. For Mr. Crist, leaving Hillsong was the culmination of several years of doubts about the institution. For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. (Jeff Maples Reformation Charlotte) Elevation Church is one of the most subversive and dangerous pseudo-Christian movements in the world. We believe big and start small It's about: Active Faith 3. Second, it is within your right to judge someone else, but the Bible warns against it because you would be judged with the same measure. Instead, he simply stood in the power of the Spirit, proclaimed the simple gospel of Christ crucified and risen, and a miracle happened. I do not call this an attack, he said. Learn how your comment data is processed. But He DOES hold US responsible for failing to represent Him and His Word accurately, boldly and completely! A clear glass of water can contain an unseen drop of poison. In the latter, he even did an impression of Sylvester Stallone. Was named last year to the "SuperSoul 100" by the Oprah Winfrey Network. THIS is what happens in a false church like HillSong. The megachurch pastor thanked his members on Sunday for what youve prayed, what youve said and what you havent said. Did you just judge a man based on grammar? (Jeff Maples - Reformation Charlotte) Elevation Church is one of the most subversive and dangerous pseudo-Christian movements in the world. We have become soul damaged in effect. Why didnt Lentz articulate these very same points on TV? It saddens me to see what the church is becoming.. Never run from the answer, stand firm in it. I know abortion is a sin but so is judging another mans servant. Elevation Church is in the midst of its 12-night revival in Charlotte, N.C. Each night, the worship time and speakers' sermons are rebroadcast on the Elevation Network at 10:12 p.m. and 3:12 a.m. EST. And its a shirking of our (your) duty to issue proper warning. Craig HueyNovember 14, 2017Church, Culture Wars, Faith65 Comments. Current Southern Baptist Convention President J.D. When pressed to define is abortion a sin? Pastor Lentz ran from the truth. obey the one another commands). It may not be a coloring sheet with the pastor on it that shows a misuse of the scriptures, but we all have agendas that we will be tempted to paste a verse over. 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