My vocal range is C3-A5-B6 Im male what type of my voice? I was always mezzo in high school. Are you a classical singer or contemporary singer? Accordingly, she can also sing the low notes of a soprano. C2-A4= Good, believable, plausible, your vocal range. I have a vocal range of D#3 to A6, is that soprano or sopranino or even higher? Can i sing high notes by using this voice.??? According to the chart I could be alto, tenor, or a baritone. Would you say Im a tenor or what do you think I am? Can someone help me find my vocal type?? Tenor, your range is excellent, and if you wanna sing country- go for it! Beyonc - Halo. I can hit C4 on higher and G2 on lowerWhat exactly my vocal range is..?? You can learn more about Tessitura voice and vocal classification in this article: How to Find Your Tessitura Voice? Im a little confused trying to determine my vocal range when i did the test on the vocal range chart my lowest is G3 and my highest is G5 can u please help me. my lowest note is e3 and my hightest note is c6, im so confused right now, im like a tenor?, alto?, i dont know right now, but, for me is great Sorry if the english its so basic or something, im not a english-speaker. What does that make me? Where do I fit in? A couple examples of people who do this are Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Michael Barnes, Bruno Mars, Adam Levine, ext. I can now comfortably sing D3 to C6 and if well warmed up can probably stretch that a bit either end. I sing a5 and f5 really comfortably but i can also sing g3 and g5 but a5 and f5 most comfortably.. whats my range? Reason I came across this is cause I want to sing like a a artist I like and he can do F2-D5 which Im guessing is just 1 away from me on each high and low notes or octave. BTW,My head voice range is B3~G5, my falsetto range is G5~C6~(F6). Technically you have to wait a few years when your voice changes completely before getting an accurate classification. Like Frank Sinatra, Artic Monkeys, Dean Martin, What am I? Hi,I am a boy,Im 13 years old with a vocal range from B2 C6, usually I would sing alto but when take the next step I start singing with my treble voice my voice also light it only gets rough when I sing with puberty voice tenor sometimes I feel strained singing in my alto but not in my treble and what vocal range do I usually consider my self. Ok Im F3 to C5what doesnt that make me?!? where would that place me and is that an average range for a 24 year old guy? Same goes for guys. Further to my previous post, I tried that app some more and did some research. At the top of the range, I can comfortably sing B4, and then I cant hit anything higher without screaming. a line skirts for women. I used an application and it said my lowest note is F2 and highest note is G4. Baritone/Tenor, whatever you like to sing most! Hi Im a boy I can sing from A2 to F5 with my modal or chest voice and can sing falsetto from G5 .By the way Im 14 year old.My voice has been changing but still I am overcoming all the cracks and break. They have the smallest vocal range spanning just over two octaves (C3- B4). Besides singing solo with the guitar, I also sing in an acapella choir and I sing Tenor and Bass. My voice ranges from C3 to A5. My vocal range is from E2 G7(including chest, middle, head voice, and whistle). What voice i have i am a tenor or i am contralto tell me, Actually, based on your range you seem to be more of a countertenor. The high B of Nessun Dorma isn't the highest note required of Prince Calaf on the night. im wondering if males can sing with full voice upto c6 ? its much more easier for me. And that gets complicated. I think Im an alto?? My range is from E2-B4 so is that average Bass Baritone. Head voice is ideal for R&B, soul, and indie rock where you want to hit those high notes while maintaining a full and rich tone. I was able to sing all the notes well but not comfortably. So my range is from F3 to A5 What would I be exactly? My lowest note is D3 and my highest is A5. Or, your range might be larger than any one vocal type. Why is it that women like myself are not accounted for? Those who can sing below are often called "contralto's" and can usually sing in a range similar to a tenor. Im confused if Im a Baritone or Tenor. My lowest note is an A1 at vocal fry, around an f2 at chest up to an a4 , and cap out at around a b5. Any help would be great! I could possibly go higher but thats around the range I can make without sounding to weird. My current range is D2 F#4 in Chest voice and C4 G5 in Falsetto. Alto; though you can sing whistle notes, your average range qualifies for this range.. And hey, thats awesome- cuz thats mine:D. hi ya my comfortable raneg using your chart/video is a low A3 and a high F4/G4.I can get lower and higher but im straining really.What would i be classed as? Youre never too old to sing. I never thought I was a bass, but I can go as low as Db2 all the way to G5. Im 15 years old Low notes: F#2 ~ B2 Chest notes: C3 ~ D#4 ( E4 sometimes ) Falsetto: F4 ~ B5 ( C6 sometimes ) Screaming: C#6 ~ G6. Thanks , Im G2 to B4 what am I ? You should buy one of his CD, with yoyo ma the cello player is a good one, or download some of his recordings. Im a 22 male, choir member. This can lead to misclassification in which a singer may be assigned to perform a part of the choral group that is not appropriate for his/her voice range. I would say soprano, judging by your abundance of high notes. Im confused too I always called myself a contralto My range is B2 to G5. Can anyone tell me what kind of voice is mine.??? It said do all the notes your comfortable with. Damn just was listening to johnny cash this morning and I know that my voice is lower in the morning but damn I felt happy about hitting Bflat1! Ive been told I should sing Opera before, because of my voice. Ive gone down to around an E2 (not always there. Your singing voice doesnt include, falsetto, screams, growls, ..Thats what a classically trained singer includes. Natural Minor Scale C4 - D4 - E4 - F4 - G4 - A4 - B4 - C5 Ive tried to get to a C6 but its just a screech! My range is D3-C6, and my voice sounds weightier than Adele, though obviously not as good lol. This schadenfreude-soaked tune rubs an ex's nose into their mistakes and in doing so made one of the most enduring torch songs of the 21st Century. Hey, hopefully this helps clear things up a bit for you. Hello. Did you use an app such as sing sharps vocal range detector? I also have a vocal range of low f3 to high d6 I was wondering what I would come under? Whats my voice type. And pregnant women need as much as 700 mg of the vitamin. Lower notes: E2-C#3 Chest notes: D3- F#4 Head voice: G4- B4 Falsetto: C5- E5 ( Ive hit F5, G5, and A5 before but those were only with strain) How can I increase my range to where I can hit those notes? 1. I a3 is my lowest range and c6 is my highest. A. im start with the F2# note and my max is with the B4 so whats my vocal range? You have a really high range for a male, i think you definitely isnt a baritone or a bass, maybe a really high tenor or a countenor, you can tell me your highest note in head voice? According to the Guinness World Records, Tim Storms has the widest vocal range. For example, a man can have a 2 and 1 1/2 octave range in the full voice and an additional of 1 1/2 octave in falsetto. In my late 30s I finally started playing the guitar, and how wonderful it is to be able to sing most songs I want in a key that suits my voice! Help? Im 17 and I just started singing last year. Hello there. Stop with the short-hand. Hii.. im a man,23 years old, i could reach my lowest voice at G2.. and using chest voic i can reach my highest is at B4.. with falsetto i can reach A5.. what my vocal type?? I can get to an A5 in falsetto. I have a lot of difficulty with using mixed voice. Average Trained tenor range is A2-C5 (Eb5 Extreme). If newborns have an average daily intake of approximately 70 mg, then people over 18 years old need 500 mg of choline per day. So, in order to determine if I should sing either tenor or baritone, I take a look at my tessitura, which is where in my voice I feel most comfortable singing. Hi my lowest notes are G4-C3 and highest C -C6 does that make me a mezzo Soprano? Umm I mean D2 G7. With the Whistle Register the max I have ever reached is C7. About 1.5 to 2 octaves, while for others it can reach four (Freddie Mercury) or even six (Axl Rose and Mike Patton). My range is from D2 to G4 is that good? I am a soprano, but would I still be able to sing alto if needed or would I have to stay in my alotted range? Well I did it a bunch of times and I get E2 A5. This note before I switch to head voice it A4, I need help figuring out my range the lowest note i can hit is a E3 and the highest I can go are between an A4 or C5. if i can hit E6 to A2 what does that make me? Middle C If you look in the very center of any piano, you'll see the middle C note. Treble (F3-)Bb3-Ab5(-Db6) (This type of voice only applicable to kids below 11 years old, as their voices havent changed yet. And I have four ranges. im working on getting my voice lower (i need to for a show) and my range is continually growing in both ways. I am a 19 year old male. Strange. My low motes are deep but as I get higher they sound very light and girly. Although alto is Italian for "high," the alto range is commonly the lowest range for women. I dont read music, never trained and I dont know notes. I can never seem to find things that work right for me. CHOOSE: You may be a contralto or a mezzo soprano. My vocal range is large b1-a5. Im not sure what my highest note is (I cant check right now cos my baby is sleeping), but I think its probably around C5 if I really try. Which is altosometimes voices cant be specific and thats ok. Hi! Is there any hope that I could reliably use most of this range? mezzo-soprano (aka soprano 2). The wider your vocal range, your voice is more flexible and adaptive to a very wide range of songs you can handle. Choral music classifies voices based solely on the vocal range. (because the charts say something different than the female voice type section), Hi! Hey- the highest voice in the WORLD goes to a C7. I would comfortably say my low note is F1 and if I cheat and use the fry register I can go even lower. The high note is Ab4. I was wondering what songs would be best for me to sing? TenorThis is the highest male singing voice using modal voice register only. Also any suggestions on how to improve vocal in our current range without straining too much? Tessitura refers to where your voice is comfortable when singing. However, I am most comfortable starting with the lowest notes of C3-F3. I know what I can and cant sing though and Beyonce aint it! I just graduated from Columbia high school in Nampa, ID and my choir teacher said it was extremely hard to assign me a voice part. I am female and my full vocal range I tested on sing sharp was A2 G5. Some vocalists classify them as Sopranos, Altos, etc. A soprano is likely, if your voice has a deeper quality when its lower then a mezzo soprano. 4. Im going to audition soon for the musical theatre section in a new school. 1. Your a Mezzo for sure cause a soprano low is usally A3 maybe G3. I sing all the time and work my range extremes. He would largely depass the ranges on both ends, or am I just being dumb and dont know what I am talking about (this is probable as I am not (yet) a singer myself). I used to sing choir in high school I seen the sing sharp app and tried it out. Id love to have a nice lower range though. Sorry about the long winded comment. Also, I can sing as low as an alto, so Im not sure. It may be beneficial for female singers to practice flageolet because it encourages a full extension of the vocal folds - at pitches above C6, the folds become their thinnest, with increased damping and diminished mass, offering even more resistance to the exiting air - because it will make high notes within standard repertoire more accessible . Contraltos are the most unusual voice types in females. Not sure what to make of that. Its not. In general, vocal pedagogues generally make use of five key voice qualities when classifying human voice. Whats that mean? Anyway, I hope this helps :). Hi, I am 15 yr old boy whos voice has cracked. I m a guy and My lowest is B2 and my highest is B5 so my singable is around F3-A#5 in head voice and I can sing upto F4 in total chest no mix nor head just chest so what is my vocal type and also to consider I m not a trained singer .Thank you ???? Ive been confused as to what I am for a while. I got a E6 as my highest and a B2 as my lowest. But Im wondering if anyone has used Sing Sharp to practice/assess their vocal ranges. MALE, If I can go from E2 to F5. Video unavailable. my vocal rang is A0-E5 what is my vocal range considered? 22 year old guy here. So Im a 15 to girl and my range came out as D5 for high and F3 for low. Falsetto has the similar range to head voice too. Your voice probably dropped down a few notes with age, and was most likely closer to F3 before, but its always possible that this is not the case. I always feel like my voice is plain sounding although. PD: Sorry if my english isnt perfect, my native laguange is spanish. I myself am a mix of mezzo-sopraano and alto (C5-E2) so I can hit most of mezzo-sopraanos notes and alttos notes. I do not know if I can count that note. I sing form C3 to C5 with my chest register, from D5 to A5 with my head register and from B5 to D6 with falsetto. Mezzo-soprano - B4 is slightly higher than the average midpoint of a mezzo's range (typically between G3/A3-G5/A5), but then mezzos are generally more comfortable singing in the middle of their range anyway, so probably not. D3-A5 in mixed voice. He can produce notes across 10 octaves. Im having very much trouble with identifying my range. Part 2 Expanding Your Vocal Range Download Article 1 Develop your head voice. Great site! (This is from about A3 to G5.) Like sing sharp? I dont find me in the article. I say Mezzo Soprano would fit you best in this case. I think Im a tenor but my speaking voice can get lower when Im relaxed. Marc, your voice can only be classified as an adult. I am a 16yr old boy. My tessiture (male, 22) is around D3-D5, but I am not that trained yet, my highest note yet was F5, my lowest I could somehow breath out after training my voice in the higher register was an Bb2 I like to sing in upper 3rd to upper 4th octave the most, but have no problem with a bit of a higher tessiture up to C#5 or D5 relatively consistently My goal is to solidify my notes up to F5 . 3. What is the average female vocal range? Ill narrow it down for you. Singing voices may cover vocal ranges that have only 1 voice type, or they fall between the common ranges of 2 voice types. Mezzo-sopranoThe middle-range of the female singing voice that sits between the soprano and contralto singing voice. Beyond E5, my vocal cords begin to strain. I recently this year expanded my range, thats where I got the top notes G4-b4ish notes. And does anyone have recommendations on what to do to when sick and needing to sing? Ive hit an e6 whistle note but it doesnt really count. So basically, for an untrained singer, my range is from A2/B2-A4/B4. To discover the highest note you can sing, start by clicking on number 1 in the second section. By singing it is possible to expand your range for instance my sister can sing all three female voices ^^. As a singer, you are will be able to perform any song more soulfully and powerful if you have a wider vocal range to handle different octaves and registers efficiently. Xi Jinping ( English: / i dnp / SHEE jin-PING; Chinese: ; pinyin: X Jnpng; born 15 June 1953) is a Chinese politician who has served as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), and thus as the paramount leader of China, since 2012. Tenor would be most accurate as some female can get pretty low. Im 24 year old female and my range from high is B4- low G3. In those days transposing sheet music wasnt so easy, so if you couldnt sing a song in the key is was written, then tough Having said that, Im sure the music teachers didnt realise I had such a low voice. Been told by quite a few peopke when i sing in the lower register i sound manly :/ duno if thats a good thing or not but when i go high im very girlish what do you think. Near the top it is harder to tell, as head voice comes into play. I am a woman, and my range is C3 to C5. Lowest is B2 and highest is G5 and I am 20 years old male. Hello, I tried SingSharp and it seems that I hit G#2 to E4, using my normal singing voice. The fact that you can go to C3 means to me that you are most likely an alto or a mezzo with a few alto notes. When she sang musical theater, she mostly used her chest and mixed voice. You are very probably a tenor. I can hit E1 with vocal fry i hit falsetto at G4 and i can hit A6 in falsetto then i can use whistle regiser to hit A7 what am i. Thanks! Hi I am a male who has a 4.7 octave range, going from a Bb3 to a G7. This should allow you to land on your sweet spot with ease. This in range is the second highest female voice type. I would just go with whatever is the most comfortable for you. In high school choir (30+ years ago) i was sent to sing with the 2nd altos. Very simple menu item definition; 3. hook-up wires. 4. Hi I would like to know what my range is considered? Over time, the term 'falsetto' has been used to mean various things. Im 18 and Female, if that helps? corrected and reuploaded. i dont really understand the chart.. Im confused if iam a Tenor or a Baritenor ~ T~T, C2 to D4 ( lowest to highest) what does that make me ~ ? Countertenors usually sing their high notes in falsetto vocal register and sing the lower notes in modal voice. I am male and in my late 20s but am more comfortable singing my higher notes. Where should I put my range? Chest voice: c3-b4 mixed voice: c5-Ab5 head voice: up to A6. Usually my lowest note is D2-E2. My higt not is the E6 so which range vocal I have. B4 is a full tone above A4 so yes, it is ver high for a male voice. My vocal range is C3-F5 in full voice. Vocal cord size is similar in young males and young females, which is why childrenboys and girlshave a similar vocal range. Id say that youre a mix of baritone and bass, which means that you can sing either one you want, which is quite good. xD, if you are hitting up to an A5 then its mezzo soprano , I would say a mezzo soprano or mezzo for short. Today (39) I comfortably hit C3/B2 to G5, which makes so much more sense then the highpitched tirly tirly tirly sound of the nightingales I had to sing back then. This would put you in there somewhere, and as is the case with most ranges, you have to work to develop the higher parts. What is my vocal range and type? Good vocal range . This way, a man's highest vocal notes mimic those within a female's head voice range. My range starts on a breathy pushed A2. I have singed in many choirs as soprano, mezzo soprano and alto, but I would really like to know where do I belong. Do I have an average range. My highest note is G4 and my lowest note is a E3 so what does that put me? Where does that put me? the lowest note which I could hit comfortably was C4 and the highest one was G4, whats my vocal range? I dont which am i please do help me. thanks!!! Im a bass I think, ranging down to C2 and as much as Bb1 (very quiet) on a good day, but most comfortable around Eb2-D2 to C4 (middle C) G2 is lowest baritone note, A2 is like baritenor or low tenor. I have a doubt on my vocal range. hi. I can produce notes from around C#3 to F6. My lowest note is A2 and I can sing up to F4 in my chest voice, where I then have to switch to my head voice. I have a question regarding vocal range, Pentatonix singer Mitch Grassi supposedly has a vocal range of 6 octaves and 1 tone, from A1 to B7, this seems like a very excessive range to me as Freddy Mercury who was praised for his big vocal range was only able to hit F2 to D6, this might be one of those dont use the same criteria for popstars and ther singers kinda things but something seems off as from the chart you have on this page : Soprano: C4 to A5 Mezzo-soprano: A3 to F#5 Alto: G3 to E5 (and contralto as F3-D5) Tenor: roughly C3 to A4 Baritone: A2 to F4 Bass: F2 to E4. In young males and young females, which is why childrenboys and is b4 a high note for female a vocal. Needing to sing choir in high school choir ( 30+ years ago ) I was wondering what songs would best... Say my low motes are deep but as I get E2 A5 is F2 and is... 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