Being the only U.S. military member to complete SEAL training (Hell Week three times), Army Ranger . The statement of Matthew and your question, Tim, demonstrate both ends of naivet and clich. It is humbling and grounding to hear stories from those who have lived such full and unique lives. Its good to know and understand darkness vs. avoiding it all together, Take responsibility complete ownership. I am a newcomer to the Tim Ferris podcasts, so I am starting to really appreciate his method of asking details about how a person works and thinks. What is the , It raises the risk for heart disease, cancer, liver damage, and stroke. Any number above 8 for men and 3 for women is very good. You do a great job with your podcasts but you need to rise above the myths which convince young men to risk their lives to support the corporate needs. Thats how were gonna Click this link and get $20 off plus a $99 upgrade. What I should do with this transform into some money!? It makes him fascinating to know. Honestly Tim, the debt that Ill end up owing you when its all said and done is going to be tremendous. The guy was really bummed out because war was over in 72 hours, he wanted his chance to be a warrior. If it wasnt for the US Military and US Industrial might you would either be goose stepping and saluting the Third Reich or a Slave of Imperial Japan. Kyle was the most lethal sniper in US history, and his life was adapted into a major motion picture. Always ask cui bono. He also holds the record of the oldest man to trek to the South Pole unassisted. All jokes aside, another gem of a podcast! No light and no poetry. Instead, if the US is involved-expect destruction and suffering economically, culturally, personally I am just SAD that our culture promotes a psychology of guns, war, violence.I CRY about it. Chuck Pfarrer. Additionally, if not the U.S. and its military..who would have countered the Communists around the globe? And while all special forces face rigorous training, the Navy SEALs are often considered the best and most highly trained, earning them the title of most elite special forces in the U.S. . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. 1. Wantto hear anotherpodcast related to leadership in the military from a decorated officer? I am happy to connect you to him if interested. Right after listening to the Podcast I listened to an interview with him. While Army Green Beret training is extraordinarily demanding, the overall consensus is that Navy SEAL training is the most challenging of any elite ops group in the U.S. Armed Forces. I just read this today and would like to point out that michael alapki is so wrong its not even funny.the russians actually suffered millions of casualities. I surrender straightaway! He's been called the toughest man alive. And after destabilizing the zone there is ISIS. He also rode his bike across half the USA before that. Sharing with my team. Blood Meridian has been downloaded. Can you help me!? Hes a great example of calm, confident, and focused masculinity. The 40% Rule is the idea that when our mind is telling us to quit, that our body has actually only used up 40% of its potential. He teaches a lot of the mental/intuitional skills that seem to be an either you have it or you dont Alops itd be awesome to hear him on your Podcast. Get a grip on reality. Also, hes ironically not too hip too self improvement. David Goggins. Marcus Luttrell is a retired U.S. Navy SEAL who received the Navy Cross and Purple Heart for his actions in June 2005 during Operation Red Wings. (BTW, Thanks Tim so much enjoying your podcasts! They had been used 3 years earlier by my friend and football teammate from West Point, LTC Nate Sassaman when he was with the 1-8 Infantry. Thank you. Chris Kyle. Love your words. The middle 57% of Navy Seals makes between $76,394 and $192,310, with the top 86% making $424,998. Some men are born warriors, others learn to be and some reject it as barbarism etc. Truth, beauty, love, honesty and generosity exist in everyone and everywhere. How much do Navy SEALs make? The vast majority of U.S. war material and money flowed through the Pakistani ISI to mujahedeen groups that were comprised of the same majority ethnic group as the Pakistanis themselves. The good live. Naming his heroes big lump in my throat. Perhaps selffull? So why is Jocko opening up? His first memoir, Can't Hurt Me, was released in 2019 and a sequel Never Finished in 2022. Great podcast with Jocko and lot of really great podcasts across the board. If you like the Band of Brothers series you should check out the series of books by Donald Burgett. I think that he is physically capable, intelligent, introspective and thoughtful. David Goggins ' military background reads like a case of bad "stolen valor" the retired Navy SEAL chief is believed to be the only member of the armed forces to complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) course (including going through Hell Week three times), U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as satisfy the lobby who put them there and maybe satisfy people too and these soldiers, believe it or not, are also getting the short end of stick at the end of the day so a little gratitude is deserved. To provide the best experiences, we use technologies like cookies to store and/or access device information. Humility, extreme ownership (especially in a business/manager situation), discipline equals freedom rings so true as with all of the podcast. Were so quit to praise someone for being bad ass without taking their morality seriously at all. Let's take a look at the three most badass Navy SEALS to ever walk the earth: - Chris Kyle -BUD/S Class: 233 Who can forget the name of Chris Kyle, arguably the most famous Navy SEAL of all time? I heard it described as hell week but they give you the tools to get though it (as opposed to get rid of as in the actual BUDS). The Tim Ferriss Show is one of the most popular podcasts in the world with more than 900 million downloads. I liked the comment by Ramer Wellstone pointing out how low down the charts US is for education and healthcare. Marcus Luttrell. US foreign policy and those whom have chosen to enforce it are the sole and only reason we have so many Syrian and other refugees in real suffering at present- suffering majority of readers of this blog will never know. By co-incidence, I am writing a series of novels wherein one of the heroes is a SEAL working in the UK simply because he is excellent at decision making under stressful conditions. Copied? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Are Navy SEALs the baddest? I stopped listening when you touched on what it means to be a man, from a feminine perspective. As in which brand he bought? [1:12:49], Non-military leaders that Jocko Willink admires and considersrole models [1:29:45], Skills and/or experiences that every man should have [1:33:34], The books Jocko likes to give as gifts[1:42:20], Common misconceptions about Navy SEALs [1:49:34], If you could have one billboard anywhere, where would it be and what would it say? Really well managed through some tough detail. That was a little scary frankly, not in itself, but in that he continues to have those visions, and that is what drives him. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! The book Parachuting for Gold in Old Mexico describing many of his life adventures is a cant-put-down read. It does not store any personal data. Lets talk about all that good stuff we can learn from the military complex, lets picture it with weaponry, camaraderie and testosterone. Afganistan, the same. Id love to hear you interview Simon Sinek his work has been HUGE game changed for me in the startup world its changing how I talk to people and Im gaining a ton of traction Ive never had before started 4 months ago and on Friday Im pitching my business strategy to the CEO! not true. This was a very inspiring to listen too. Chuck Pfarrer. Marx felt that Communism would overcome capitalismthat history ordained it..a forgone conclusion.that was a farfetched theory, not terribly plausible ..yet tens of millions bought into it.but not true! Please do as well a podcast with Henry Rollins!! David Goggins' military background reads like a case of bad "stolen valor" the retired Navy SEAL chief is believed to be the only member of the armed forces to complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) course (including going through Hell Week three times), U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as . Jockos podcast, however quite a lot of value. It was good to get a different perspective, but I remain a little wary. Then one of the guys mentioned, If youre a Tony fan, you have to listed to the podcast between him and Tim Ferriss and Tony. Making it surprisingly hilarious was when I mistakenly hit 1/2 speed on my podcast player. As individuals and nations, we have a lot of growing to do and this conversation did not strike me as conducive to inspiring positive growth. Jocko named his fallen comrades as the people he would define as having lived successful lives. Kyle was the most lethal sniper in US history, and his life was adapted into a major motion picture. And now they have Tim Ferriss. Further on, another pic. The UN likewise is a travesty. Jocko Willink. The woman . I dont remember many leaders that I admire has having that as their primary strength. As a person dedicated to personal growth, maybe you should look into that. As a veteran, I completely understand honoring a Navy Seal. My one son doesnt have the $500 minimum yet, but he will soon. Loved Jockos natural charm. G.K. Chesterton said Christianity has not been tried and found wanting, it has been found difficult and not tried. Particularly where it relates to Catholicism. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. Creatine may cause heart arrhythmias, but , Carrots are a rich source of nitrates, which may be converted into nitric oxide to increase vasodilation, possibly decreasing blood pressure. Forget Army Strongfor years, Anthony Fuhrman has been the U.S. Armys strongest: The 33-year old native of Erie, Pennsylvania built his squat to 705 pounds, his deadlift to 825 pounds, and his bench press over 500 on his way to back-to-back wins in the Worlds Strongest Man for the 105 kg weight class (thats 231 for . Its brought up again on his appearance on Jockos podcast, Jocko links to the Yoshikawa novel ( Jim Hall was a partner in the worlds first professional parachuting company and was the co-creator of the TV series Ripcord that put sky diving before millions of viewers and was based on his adventures in Mexico. You say we had a relationship with Bin Laden. Bin Laden and Hussein were personal friends and benefactors of the us government. August 20, 2022 by Sandra Hearth. Think of this in terms of a workout; how many times have we been deep in a long grinder and that doubt begins to creep into the back of our head? Bottom line, we need warriors, Jocko is one of them and getting his insight is a good thing! Youll appreciate all you have a whole lot more. How much do Navy SEALs make 2020? Top 10 Navies in the World. Ask the Afghans how the Soviets treated them. Right now, you can earn4.05%APYthats the Annual Percentage Yieldwith theWealthfront Cash Account. If you don't know how to get uncomfortable, ask yourself the hard questions, and dig to find what's holding you This podcast in particular served as a reinvigorating shot of warrior energy to my system. Im not speaking one way or the other, just curious if he touched one that at all. The middle 57% of Navy Seals makes between $76,394 and $192,310, with the top 86% making $424,998. Thanks very much Tim! After your psychedelic episode last week, a friend asked me what I would have to do to experiment within that realm again. I appreciate what you do and I appreciate that Jocko likely has a plethora of good traits and a lot of love in his heart. Great talk! That is, he expresses very fine sentiments in discussing his respect for fallen comrades, and he is very serious about the warrior side of things. Ive been so moved and inspired by much of your work; this is the first time I have commented ever, though I bought your books from the very 1st one. I think a lot of people miss the point of Jockos presentation. I hope no young people buy into this military bravo lets go kill some people in a foreign land and feel better about ourselves. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian navy inherited its fleet from the Soviet navy. How nihilistic! The part on discipline is spot on. Syria. Chris Kyle - BUD/S Class: 233. 00:00 - Who is the baddest Navy SEAL ever?00:43 - Who is the toughest person on earth?01:15 - What pistol do Navy SEALs carry?01:51 - Who is the most famous . Boom! I second this. Who is the baddest Navy SEAL ever? Im an athlete in need of advice. The U.S. overthrows and destabilizes democratically elected governments, it destroys entire countries(Libya, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan ), pursues wars based on lies, deceit and propaganda, and then justifies its wars for oil, opium, minerals, defense spending and strategic pipelines by saying they did it in defense of my life and my liberty?!? Not sure how you got him to do 2+ hours, but I thank you for it. Kyle was the most lethal sniper in US history, and his life was adapted into a major motion picture. Or both. Great episode, no doubt, both because of the life and eloquence of Jocko and the useful tips for the audience. These were possibilities which seemed completely plausible given the geopolitical composition of the world at the time. In closing, I am sorry if my viewpoint on this episode seems harsh. Who is the Destroyer of the Sea? Make no mistake about it, had it not been for the US military securing victory over the Nazis, theres a good chance youd not be able to debate this here and now. I was and am against the Iraq war. Thanks again and much respect to you and your comrades for all you have done for us. weve no way to know if the world would be a better and safer place without the plague of the U.S. the sole and only reason. again is intellectually laughable and easily disproven. Did you actively protest the Iraq War? All the best! I also feel that he is violently capable, extremely adept at steering conversation by affecting unease (I have never heard you apologize so many times), emotionally compartmentalized and at least from what I heard in this conversation nearly devoid of empathy and humor, with the exception of his feelings for his fellow soldiers. Chris Kyle. Cuba. The continued support of and glorifying of war needs to end. At least admit you dont understand Matthews viewpoints if they are unclear and pose a question, dont try to belittle a person who obviously puts more thought into his comments then both you guys combined. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Thanks! Who is the baddest Navy SEAL ever? Navy SEALs can hold their breath underwater for two to three minutes or more. Chris Kyle - BUD/S Class: 233. I enjoyed this podcast in the beginning, but started to get disturbed near the end. The most consecutive pull ups is 651 and was achieved by Kenta Adachi (Japan) in Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, on 4 March 2022. Great interview Tim, lots of action points for me. Thatsmore than twelve timesmore interest than if you left your money in a savings account at the average bank, according to Men should be able to perform at least 8 pull-ups, and 13-17 reps is considered fit and strong. Heavy stuff and some great quotes: In order to truly experience the Light, the brightness, you have to see the Darkness. My wife is a message therapist here in Austin so if youre ever in town again and in need of a message feel free to reach out! Hey thanks for the podcast and all you do to help people like me, its greatly appreciated. When he does it like it he doesnt whine he finds another way. Kyle makes number one on the list of most famous Navy SEALs because his actions in Iraq raised the standards for what a SEAL is capable of. Their soldiers trained to engage in direct raids or assaults on enemy targets, c. How many reps of Pull Ups should I be able to do? I recommend watching the 1989 CSPAN interview with Hackworth (Ive watched it probably 10 times over the last few years). I appreciate the diversity of the guests Tim Ferris interviews, but more warriors would be my suggestion to really ramp this Pod into next level awesomeness! The competitive standard to even be considered for . This is the first thing. Not to mention how many millions of russians stalin killed himself, Matthew, thanks for the comment. A pioneer of sport parachuting, first test pilot of the 0-0 ejection seat (zero airspeed, zero altitude). . This site is anAmazon Associateand purchases through Amazon links may earn an affiliate commission. I bet you wipe your feet with the US Flag? Being a detached witness is perhaps the primary lesson from God in the form of Krishna to Arjuna, while leading him in to battle in Bhagavad Gita. Those things are not what makes one manly. It definitely sounded like there was some reverence in this one. It makes me ashamed for complaining about my job on a daily basis. Nr.1 United States. though I DO have a plan for when I get hit in the face, and my children who train martial arts 4x a week, do likewise. It is really interesting to hear so my different type of people on your podcast. (Min 1:20) And that AWKWARD silence You could have said Wouw or Big Losses or I am sorry for your loss BUT YOU SAID: What do you struggle with Because of that, YOU ARE AMAZING. Who is the baddest Navy SEAL ever? Discipline equals Freedom. Hes a retired Brigadier General from the Colorado Air National Guard and was awarded the Air Force Legion of Merit. This guy is dedicated and effective, but what I thought was he doesnt have a global mind. Weve been looking for a simple, low minimim resource for our teenage kids to get some investment funds going, and this looks like a good choicewould you agree? Its documented roosevelt was funding germany in WW2, and then protected all its scientists after the war in exchange for tech. David Goggins' military background reads like a case of bad "stolen valor" the retired Navy SEAL chief is believed to be the only member of the armed forces to complete the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/s) course (including going through Hell Week three times), U.S. Army Ranger School (where he graduated as. Its in your DNA. He is a Brazilian jiu-jitsu expert who used to tap out 20 Navy SEALs per workout. Thanks for introducing us to Jocko. Kissinger domino effect never happened. Add pull ups to your regular fitness routine, and perform them every two to three days to see the most benefit. John Denver song? David Goggins; Service/branch: United States Air Force United States Navy: Years of service: 19941999 (USAF) 20012015 (USN) Rank: Chief Petty Officer: . Im just finishing listening and may be suffering from recency bias, but this was one of my favorite, definitely top 5, podcasts youve done Tim. Coll makes it clear that U.S. money and weaponry were not going to Bin Laden when Bin Laden was a young jihadi fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s. Salary Ranges for Navy Seals. At the end of the day, no matter what were doing for a living, were great guys with favorite music and drinks at a bar. Keep up the passion and chasing your dreams!! The brawn stuff is from the movies and it doesnt work in reality. Jocko Willink. Even after finishing Navy SEAL and Ranger school training, the 100-mile race was the toughest challenge Goggins had faced yet. I couldnt help but liken this point to Tara Brach and what meditation does to not only allow you to see situations more clearly, but allow you to delve into fear and let it dissolve. Its fun to compare your first podcasts (which were already very good) with the newest. In this episode, we discuss eating one meal per day, special ops, and mental toughness (stream below or right-click here to download): This episode is brought to you byWealthfront! Essentially, I would do my best to cultivate the mindset of these two great men to look death straight in the eye, smile, and travel well. Men and women from both sides trained, followed orders, killed and died. How many reps of Pull Ups can the average lifter do? It truly has had a substantial and positive impact on my life. McCarthy is a member of the Santa Fe Institute, his writing springs from talks with our brightest scientific minds, which is a little scary. Its always the same since WW 2 they are coming to get us. Absolutely false! What is SEAL team salary? If you could get him on the show, Mark Twight would be a fascinating interview. Does that preclude me from criticising the history of the US military industrial complex, that I felt could not be seperated and ignored? Kyle makes number one on the list of most famous Navy SEALs because his actions in Iraq raised the standards for what a SEAL is capable of. Couldnt agree more. This book talk a lot about what John talks about when detaching your self from certain situations. That Episode blew me out of the water. Big fan of your Podcast till day one. Wouldnt say hes selfish as it would be not only insulting but wrong. Even though all that military stuff is beneath me haha. Ask the Hindus how the invading muslim armies treated them. Mostly, I see vision and courage to follow that through. Sandra Hearth is the creator and writer behind "Wellbeing Port", a blog dedicated to promoting healthy living and personal wellness. Thanks, Bill. If you havent seen The Thin Red Line, its a fantastic illustration of Heideggers ideas within a wartime setting, and thus has many possible connections to the content of this episode. Jocko Willink ( @jockowillink) is one of the scariest human beings imaginable. Whether your business needs a logo, website design, business card, or anything you can imagine, check out99designs. He spent four tours in . His three best friends got killed and for what. Unfortunately I am not a student there. I was really struck by the pauses Jocko would have before answering. Who is the toughest soldier ever People like Jocko, in higher echelons of combat military personnel are far more adept and likely to be able to move on from the stresses of combat. And I am a backer of your goal to be a teacher who inspires positive change to the masses. It is also available on amazon. Im really impressed with his character, far exceeding his accolades and brawn. Frankly Im glad we have guys who are the master of their craft. Safer? Literally the best podcast yet. Thank you Jocko for your past and continued service. Lets talk about all that good stuff we can learn from the Colorado Air National Guard was! 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